Technology Recommendations Computer Specifications and Tech Support Guides
Below you’ll find important information about the best type of computer to use for LUOA courses – as well as tutorials and guides that can help your student navigate the basic technology skills needed for their classes.Our students can access and complete their coursework on a computer or laptop – either Mac or PC. Find out more about LUOA’s system recommendations below!
System Recommendations
Our system recommendations match those of Liberty University. Visit our Computer Specifications and Policies page to view a detailed list of our recommendations for computer hardware, software, and operating systems – so you can equip your student with the tools they need to succeed in their classes.
Technology Fee
A $50 technology fee is added to your account each school year in which you take courses. While technology fees are common at most schools, we’ve worked hard to keep ours as low as we can without sacrificing the quality of your education. This technology fee bundles together a variety of services, such as:
- Microsoft Office 365
- LUOA electronic library material (article databases, e-books, reference material)
- The Jerry Falwell Library for dual enrollment courses
- IXL – Interactive and Personal Learning Educational Games
- Curriculum Improvements (several thousand new media assets, new and updated courses, updated quizzing, etc.)
- Standardized Testing (available to all students in grades 3, 5, 7, and 9)
We’ve bundled these services together to help provide a number of services without sacrificing the quality of your education.
Technology Tips and Support Guides
To help ensure that your student develops essential digital literacy skills, check out the following tutorials and guides. Many of the skills discussed below will be useful both in your student’s LUOA classes and in other endeavors!
- Print PDFs and Word documents
- Take a screenshot (PC and Mac)
- Use Microsoft 365
Did You Know?
All LUOA students get access to Microsoft 365! Download your Microsoft 365 subscription today.
Download Microsoft 365Mobile Compatibility & Internet Filtering
Mobile Compatibility Statement
Our students access their curriculum and submit their coursework through Canvas, which has a mobile app available for download. However, while students can perform many daily school tasks on mobile devices, some course features may not function on a mobile platform. Students will need access to a laptop or desktop computer in order to successfully complete all of their coursework.
Internet Filtering Statement
Many families utilize internet filtering software – such as NetNanny, Covenant Eyes, and X3 Watch – on electronic devices to monitor what their children can access online. However, these filtering softwares have been known to block some of LUOA’s educational content. Many of these filtering programs contain “whitelisting” and “blacklisting” features, which force a website to be allowed or blocked, respectively.
Some filtering issues can be circumvented by “whitelisting” various sites linked to from the curriculum, including (not including “www.”). It is also very important that internet filtering systems do not completely block YouTube, as YouTube videos are used throughout the curriculum.