5 Self-Care Strategies to Beat The Winter Blues
January 17, 2019
Lindsey Haithcock- Marketing Employee
The cold-weather months can take a toll on your mental health, so it’s extremely important to carve out time for yourself. The days are shorter and the weather is colder. The holidays are over, and suddenly it feels like an eternity until the next break or warm weather. While some of us enjoy the aspects of spring, summer, and fall, winter just seems to be more of “love it or hate it” season. Whether you’re managing seasonal depression, or new-semester stresses, effective self-care strategies to get you through the winter months can make all the differences in how you feel as the months drag on.
Here are 5 winter self-care strategies to help to get you through these ever-so-frosty winter months:
1. Get some sun!
Getting outside is important all year, but especially during the winter months. Vitamin D is crucial for the health of our bones. The lack of sunlight can also negatively affect your mood. Pushing yourself to layer up and go for a run outside, a walk, vitamin D supplements, or even buying special lights for your dorm / apartment can make all the difference.
2. Leave the house
Going to the gym can help you connect with others while also boosting your health on several levels. Exercise is amazing for your body – it …
The Importance of Taking a Break
December 18, 2018
Torrin Nelson- Marketing Manager
It is that time of year. The semester is over, and you have probably exhausted yourself from a lot of work academically and physically during the semester, but you now have the opportunity to take a break and let your body and mind rest. If you keep pushing forward without listening to your mind and body, you could find yourself at a burnout and physically and mentally unhealthy. Rest and relaxation are commonly mixed up, but both are important to your health, and now is the perfect time to practice a little rest and relaxation to recharge your body for the upcoming semester.
Rest is allowing your body to slow down and recuperate. Rest can be achieved by sleeping and low states of activity. Resting implies that your body isn’t actually doing much except for literally recharging itself. Without proper rest, the body can be susceptible to sickness and will lead to burnouts. These burnouts can be physical, mental, and emotional, and often they’re a combination of all three. During this break between semesters, allow your body to rest. This doesn’t mean that you need to avoid all forms of activity, but instead, be mindful and intentional about listening to your body and …
Work Hard, Work Smart, Work Out: Conquering Exam Stress
November 28, 2018
Gabriela Mims- Marketing Employee
It’s nearing the end of the semester, and with that comes—you guessed it—final exams. Final exams are possibly the most dreaded facet of a college career. You work the entire semester writing papers, creating projects, and studying loads of materials to take a test to see if you learned what you were supposed to learn. Finals are an important part of university; however, they can trigger a lot of stress that can actually inhibit your ability to perform your best. Taking a break from your studies to work out—or even just practice your breathing—can be a tremendous help as you prepare for finals.
Although breathing is natural, and we do it every minute of every day, practicing breathing exercises can be a huge help to conquering exam stress. By deep breathing, you increase oxygen flow to your brain while simultaneously giving your mind a break from studying. If you take 5 minutes to focus on your breath, you’ll find that your mind will function better, and you’ll be able to finally focus on that paper you’ve been trying to write.
If you have a little longer than 5 minutes, think about doing some yoga. Yoga can ease tension in your body, as it releases a calming chemical in your brain which can alleviate your pre-exam nerves. …