LAN 2800: French III
05/01/2024 to 05/30/2025 • Modified 06/18/2024Course Description
This year-long course includes a review of and mastery of essential concepts in the French language. Students will develop more complex grammatical concepts and targeted vocabulary. Students will also be exposed to culture, geography, and history of the francophone world. Using web-based technology, students will use and improve their skills in writing, listening, reading, and speaking. Additionally, students will gain a better understanding of biblical worldview as we encounter and appreciate a new cultural perspective.
Next Start Date*
Next Monday
Prerequisite Requirements*
Any of the following:
- All of the following:
- LAN 2801 previously completed with a minimum grade of D
and - LAN 2802 previously completed with a minimum grade of D
or - LAN 2801 previously completed with a minimum grade of D
- All of the following:
- LAN 2801 previously completed with a minimum grade of D
and - LAN 2805 previously completed with a minimum grade of D
and - LAN 2806 previously completed with a minimum grade of D
or - LAN 2801 previously completed with a minimum grade of D
- All of the following:
- LAN 2802 previously completed with a minimum grade of D
and - LAN 2803 previously completed with a minimum grade of D
and - LAN 2804 previously completed with a minimum grade of D
or - LAN 2802 previously completed with a minimum grade of D
- All of the following:
- LAN 2803 previously completed with a minimum grade of D
and - LAN 2804 previously completed with a minimum grade of D
and - LAN 2805 previously completed with a minimum grade of D
and - LAN 2806 previously completed with a minimum grade of D
- LAN 2803 previously completed with a minimum grade of D
Module 1: L’Éducation dans le Monde Francophone
- Week 1: L’Éducation Française
- Week 2: L’Éducation dans Les Pays Francophones
- Week 3: Le LEP et Les Stages
Module 2: Trouvons un Emploi
- Week 4: Les Occupations et Le Conditionnel
- Week 5: Écrivons un C.V.
- Week 6: Préparez un Entretien d’Embauche
Module 3: Passé Composé, Imparfait et La Reforme Protestante
- Week 7: Le Passé Composé et La Reforme Protestante
- Week 8: Imparfait et La Reforme Protestante
- Week 9: Le Plus-que-parfait et La Reforme Protestante
Module 4: Les Marginalisés
- Week 10: Les Musulmans
- Week 11: Les Retraités
- Week 12: Les Juifs
Module 5: Qu’est-ce que Chez Vous?
- Week 13: Les Maisons
- Week 14: Les Sans-Abris
- Week 15: Les Maisons Francophones
Module 6: Les Sports et L’Examen
- Week 16: Le Football et les Interrogatifs
- Week 17: Le Tour de France et Le Handball
- Week 18: L’Examen
Module 7: Les Transports et Le Subjonctif
- Week 19: Les Voitures et Le Subjonctif
- Week 20: Le Transport
- Week 21: Les Trains et les Vacances
Module 8: La Santé
- Week 22: La Santé en France
- Week 23: La Santé aux Pays Francophones
- Week 24: Le Petit Nicolas
Module 9: Les Divertissements
- Week 25: La Musique
- Week 26: La Télévision et Les Films
- Week 27: Les Bandes Dessinées
Module 10: Le Petit Prince, Chapitres 1-15
- Week 28: Le Petit Prince, Chapitres 1-3
- Week 29: Le Petit Prince, Chapitres 4-7
- Week 30: Le Petit Prince, Chapitres 8-12
- Week 31: Le Petit Prince, Chapitres 13-15 et Projet
Module 11: Le Petit Prince, Chapitres 16-27
- Week 32: Le Petit Prince, Chapitres 16-21
- Week 33: Le Petit Prince, Chapitres 22-25 et un Poème
- Week 34: Le Petit Prince, Chapitres 26-27
- Week 35: Le Film et La Rédaction
- Week 36: La Rédaction et L’Examen