APP 2500: Personal Financial Literacy

05/01/2024 to 05/30/2025 • Modified 04/23/2024

Course Description

This semester-long course will explore the basics of good stewardship, financial practices, and literacy through the lens of material presented by the Ron Blue Institute (RBI) integrated with the VA SOLs. The students will study topics such as goal setting, money management, insurance principles, and consumer rights and will be coupled with projects that analyze real-life investigation and insight into financial management. The student will use mathematical operations and skills to solve problems involving interest, investment, and sound financial planning. The students will be introduced to God’s perspective on stewardship and personal finance and will be able to interpret and analyze real-life financial situations in the light of biblical truth.

Next Start Date*

Next Monday

Program Restrictions*

  • ESD: Elementary School Diploma (ESDP-ESD-D) Excluded
  • MSD: Middle School Diploma (MSDP-MSD-D) Excluded

Prerequisite Requirements*

Any of the following:

  • All of the following:
    • MAT 0901 previously completed with a minimum grade of D
    • MAT 0902 previously completed with a minimum grade of D


  • All of the following:
    • MAT 0901 previously completed with a minimum grade of D
    • MAT 0905 previously completed with a minimum grade of D
    • MAT 0906 previously completed with a minimum grade of D


  • All of the following:
    • MAT 0902 previously completed with a minimum grade of D
    • MAT 0903 previously completed with a minimum grade of D
    • MAT 0904 previously completed with a minimum grade of D


  • All of the following:
    • MAT 0903 previously completed with a minimum grade of D
    • MAT 0904 previously completed with a minimum grade of D
    • MAT 0905 previously completed with a minimum grade of D
    • MAT 0906 previously completed with a minimum grade of D


  • MAT 0900 previously completed with a minimum grade of D


Module 1: GIVE | Biblical Perspectives on Money

  • Week 1: God Owns it All
  • Week 2: Biblical View of Money and Financial Decision Making
  • Week 3: The Importance of Giving

Module 2: LIVE | Lifestyle Related Expenses, Consumer Banking, & Insurance

  • Week 4: Prosperity and Personal Financial Planning
  • Week 5: Financial Institutions
  • Week 6: Personal Checking and Savings
  • Week 7: Consumer Purchasing
  • Week 8: Consumer Purchasing and Insurance
  • Week 9: More on Insurance

Module 3: OWE | Debt, Taxes, & Purchasing Decisions

  • Week 10: Biblical Perspective on Taxes
  • Week 11: Taxes and Society
  • Week 12: Consumer Credit
  • Week 13: Decision Making and Debt
  • Week 14: More Decision Making and Debt

Module 4: GROW | Financial Growth & Planning for the Future

  • Week 15: Planning for the Future – Jobs and Career
  • Week 16: Retirement and Planning
  • Week 17: Interest Income and the Stock Market
  • Week 18: Evaluation

*Course specifics are tentative and subject to change each year. For the most current information, please refer to the Course Registration Tool.

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