“I am married, a father of four, and retired from the military.”
LUCOM is a Christian, faith-based institution. As a student-doctor at LUCOM, what are your thoughts on this environment?
The Christian environment is an aspect of LUCOM that makes medical school much easier. The environment is one of love, companionship, servitude and partnership. Even those that aren’t Christians show love and compassion for fellow students, they are all willing to help and be there in a time of need, and it is contagious throughout the faculty, administrative staff, and student body.
What about LUCOM’s dress code?
The dress code is perfect. Every day has strong balance, because we don’t have to look like we are meeting the president, but we also don’t wear raggedy clothes. Some faculty, administrative staff, and student-doctors celebrate Hawaiian Shirt Day every Friday, and there is also a Jeans Day almost every month, but even then everyone looks presentable.
What about the LUCOM attendance policy?
With a background in the military, not coming to class was something that I struggled with, but I found that I learn best when not coming to class. You have to find what works for you and do it. Most instructors are supportive of lecture capture and students learning that way, but there are a few that are not big fans and would rather have people in class all the time. At the end of the day, you have to study your way and do what works best for you.
Describe the culture at LUCOM.
In most medical schools, you hear about the competitive nature, the gunners, and those that are out to negatively impact the class for the good of their own grade. That is non-existent at LUCOM. The main reason is because most people want to help those around them and would do so in any way possible. Every class fosters and embraces such an environment.
LUCOM has a unique component to its curriculum called COMPASS. What is COMPASS?
COMPASS was something that I honestly wasn’t excited about at the beginning of the year. I was worried about studying and thought it would be a waste of time. I was completely wrong. It ended up being an excellent venue for stress relief. It took my mind off things and allowed me to have conversations about things not related to medical school. COMPASS may seem silly at first, give it a chance, and COMPASS will be what you make of it.