Fitting in Fitness

September 26, 2019

Written by Lindsey Johnson, Marketing Employee

It’s important to stay active; we all know that. But what happens when you’re busy and don’t have time to work out? If school or work is keeping you from staying active, here are some tips on how to fit exercise into your routine—no matter how busy you are.

Take the stairs

Instead of taking the elevator up to work, walk up the stairs. Walking, or running, up stairs is one of the best exercises that you can do to build muscle mass while also burning off the calories of that morning doughnut. Not to mention, more often than not, taking the stairs is actually faster than taking the elevator.

Wake up earlier

We know that this isn’t what you want to hear, especially when you’re not a morning person. However, it’s true that you get the most benefits from working out in the morning than any other time of the day. The most prominent benefits from working out in the morning are: it enhances your metabolism, it will help cultivate consistency, it improves your physical and mental energy, and it helps develop strong self-discipline.

Make it fun

If workouts always feel like a chore, you are not going to want to make time for them. Consider a workout that you may find fun such as a dance class, going on a run with a friend, or even just watching Netflix while walking on a treadmill. Find what excites you, and do
that. Not only will you be more likely to fit exercise into your busy schedule when your workout is enjoyable. but you’ll be excited to make the time.

Getting in just a few minutes of exercise each morning will fire up your metabolism and give you energy for the long day ahead. Doing a few workouts during the workday will help improve and boost your brain power, and exercising at night can promote relaxation and help de-stress.

Let us know how you fit in fitness on social media @lureccenters!