Not to Be Your Mom—but Quit Slouching!

March 15, 2019

Gabi Mims- Marketing Employee

We’ve always been told posture is important, but how important is it really? It feels impossible to maintain good posture, since we’re constantly sitting in class, hunched over a laptop or notebook desperately trying to jot down notes. Even when we’re outside of class, we’re working tirelessly on our homework, and our constant forward-bending persists still.

Keep reading to see exactly how poor posture affects you and how to counteract it.

Effects of Forward-Bending

Constant forward-bending has a variety of physical effects. One of the most noticeable is a change in the spinal curve. This can cause an increase in pressure in your spine and can diminish your body’s ability to absorb shock and maintain balance. This added pressure can also cause chronic back pain and disc degeneration.

One of the lesser known side effects of poor posture is digestive issues. When your spine is unnaturally curving forward, you compress your organs, making them incapable of functioning how they should. This not only slows down your metabolism in the short-term, but it can also impair your body’s ability to digest food in the long-term.

Having poor posture can also restrict blood flow throughout your body, hindering it from getting the circulation it needs. This can cause a number of physical problems but also can decrease brain function and productivity.

Counteracting Forward-Bending

This seems like a lot; however, there are thankfully some common-place things you can do to counteract these effects. To start, try being a little intentional in the way you sit day-to-day. This will definitely take some practice, but recognizing when your body is bending forward a little toomuch is the first step in creating better posture habits for yourself. Whenever you notice this happening, lean back a little bit and try to straighten your spine. Don’t get upset if you notice you fall back into bad posture often! Correcting your posture takes time, so give yourself a little grace.

Secondly, practice stretching when you stand up from sitting or lying down. There’s a reason your pets at home do this whenever they get up! This practice stretches your muscles and gives your spine a chance to “reset” and release pressure it has been holding.

Lastly, think about attending a workshop that can help you develop strategies for counteracting poor posture. On Saturday, March 23, we are offering a Backbend Workshop for this exact purpose. Think about coming out to learn some yoga postures that you can use for years to come to help you in correcting your posture.