How to Set Smart Goals

December 7, 2018

Lindsey Haithcock- Marketing Employee

This month, thousands of people will create a list of resolutions for the new year. Generally, these are goals people will set that they want to do every day, such as going to the gym on a regular basis or cutting out sugar. It’s a well-known joke that gym crowds surge on January 1st, only to thin back out by March—or even January 2nd. It almost seems like resolutions are meant to be broken.

It is pretty difficult to develop new habits or drop deeply-ingrained habits cold turkey. Although it is hard to keep them, resolutions are a great way to make self-improvements in the new year. If you want to set yourself up for the best chance of successfully achieving your goals, start with these smart tips for developing actionable resolutions you can stick to.

1. Make Smaller Resolutions

The first key to success is zoning in on one goal, not two or three. Ask yourself, “What level of commitment will this require to achieve?” and consider if you’ll be able to match it. Are you really going to cut chocolate off completely? Limiting yourself to a couple Reese’s Cups a week might actually be more achievable.

2. Get Specific With Your Goals

“Save money” is a good goal to have, but how exactly are you planning to save money? How much do you want to save by the end of the year? Without setting definable goals, your best intentions can sometimes get lost. Try “I’m going to save $30 a week” or “I’m only going to go to Starbucks a few times a week instead of every day.” Whatever is best for you! Setting small, specific goals keeps you more encouraged along the way as well—each time you meet one, you’ll be more willing to keep going!

3. Write Down Your Goals

This may seem like a no-brainer, but people who write down their goals tend to feel a greater sense of accountability and have a much higher chance of accomplishing them. Post your goals on the fridge, write them on your bathroom mirror, or write them in your favorite journal. Seeing your goals consistently will remind you what they are and will encourage you to meet them!

4. Make Your Resolutions Public

People are more likely to achieve their resolutions when they tell others about them. Set up accountability with your best friend, and check in with them regularly to discuss how you’re doing to make sure you’re on track. Or you can get your friend on board so you’re both working toward the same goal together!

5. Remember That It’s Okay To Slip Up

Don’t lose hope! You’re not the only one to slip up on your goals! In fact, 75% of resolution-makers slip up within the first two months. What really matters is how you handle it—one setback won’t undo all of your efforts.

6. Believe In Yourself!

A lot of people think that resolutions are impossible to accomplish, but if you know that you’re capable of making your desired change, then believe it! When you reach your goal, celebrate! Use your accomplishments to fuel your healthy habits for years to come, so that you can keep feeling good and achieving your goals!

Good luck!