Summer Hiking

June 21, 2018

Written by: Linda Galvez

Summer is by far one of my most favorite times of the year and there is nothing quite like a Virginian summer-time hike. There are several hiking trails within an hour of Lynchburg including Cole Mountain, Humpback Rock, Spy Rock and many others, we really are located in a great section of the Blue Ridge Mountains! This summer the Outdoor Rec department did not waste any time in scouting and planning new trips to these areas. One trip that stood out to me was a day-trip to the Moorman’s River.

The trip started off great, Lynchburg had just gone through several days of non-stop rain and we were excited to get outside. We started our hike from the second parking lot just beyond the Sugar Hollow Reservoir where the yellow-blazed trail begins. We came to the first crossing and it was completely flooded with what looked like class 3 rapids! We took a few minutes to assess the situation and after deciding we did not have the proper gear or experience to cross, we turned around and headed back to the parking lot.
We didn’t want to waste a beautiful day so we researched other hiking options that were nearby and wouldn’t take too long to complete. We headed 20 minutes west to Humpback Rocks near Afton Mountain. We chose the 1-mile loop as we were pressed for time and it sounded easy, but quickly learned it was a difficult 800ft ascent to the top! There were several park benches scattered at the beginning if you need to rest, but those seem to disappear once you begin the final half-mile ascent.  The trail was rocky at times, but there were wooden and rock steps for the more difficult parts. As it had been raining, the path was slippery and muddy so be sure to watch your footing if you head out after recent rainfall. Once at the top, we had great views of the Shenandoah Valley to the west and the Shenandoah National Park to the north.

From the top, the view is truly breath-taking. I found myself a little nervous, but with the help of our staff, I felt a lot more secure to take the memorable picture.

Here are just a few reminders for you while kicking new trails off your summer check-list:

  • Be sure to take a few friends that have hiking experience even if it’s a new hike to the whole group. This was my first hike to Humpback rocks and I felt encouraged by going with experienced hikers as company and they were able to lend a hand if something happened.
  • Pack a lunch, extra snacks and plenty of water!  You never know if that short day-hike may turn into something more extended or rigorous.
  • Disconnect from your phones for a few hours to enjoy the beauty of God’s creation.  It can be all too easy to “miss the moment” if you have music playing or are taking breaks to update your status.
  • If you are ever in a situation where you begin to doubt or hesitate your abilities, it is probably best and safer to just turn around and find another hike. Virginia has so many options, so be ready with a backup trip in case of bad weather or if you encounter problems. If all else fails, take a drive on the Blue Ridge Parkway and stop at a pull-off for lunch!