How to Stay Healthy During the Holidays
December 14, 2019
Written By Lindsey Johnson, Marketing Employee
The Holidays are a good time for family, friends – and food. The food may be good for your taste buds, but not so much for your waistline. Looking at you pie, mashed potatoes, and endless amounts of gravy!
A key to staying healthy during the holidays is to eat mindful, not mindless; so be a smart cookie and follow these steps to stay healthy during this holiday season:
Eat Mindfully
It can be extremely easy to overeat and fall into the well known “food coma”, which may sound exciting at first, but once you get there you know you’ve made some mistakes. To avoid this, try to eat slowly and allow yourself to truly enjoy your favorite holiday dishes. Since it takes around 20 minutes for your stomach’s “I’m full” signal to reach your brain, it is suggested to take a 10-minute break after your first helping of food. As for dessert, eat only a couple of your favorite dishes instead of sampling every option available.
Stay Active
Try to avoid sitting for long periods of time. Too much sitting can be hazardous to your health, and research shows that it’s important to get up for even just five minutes, every 30 to 60 minutes and doing light activity. Remember this when you’re watching football or playing board games! Some ideas to stay active are: playing with your pets or younger family members, going on a walk, or just pacing around the house.
Stay Hydrated
Water accounts for 60% of our body’s total weight, and we need to stay hydrated in order to maintain this ratio. Water is also necessary for several bodily functions, including maintaining our cell’s fluids and delivering nutrients. Your brain can also confuse thirst with hunger, so a large glass of water before a meal (especially before considering seconds) can help lessen the amount of food you want to consume. Drink six to eight glasses of water each day, and have two big glasses of water before the big holiday meals.
Reinvent Your Workouts
It can be a bit of a challenge to make time for working out while traveling and visiting family. So to stay motivated, plan your workout routine in advance around your holiday schedule so there’s no room for excuses. Instead of the usual 30-minute routine, do a 15-minute workout in the morning or evening or go for a 10-minute walk twice a day. The goal is to split your physical activity into smaller, more manageable time intervals.
Reinvent Your Workouts
It can be a bit of a challenge to make time for working out while traveling and visiting family. So to stay motivated, plan your workout routine in advance around your holiday schedule so there’s no room for excuses. Instead of the usual 30-minute routine, do a 15-minute workout in the morning or evening or go for a 10-minute walk twice a day. The goal is to split your physical activity into smaller, more manageable time intervals.
Make Time for Self-Care
This may be the most important step of all. Don’t let the holiday madness take a toll on your mental, physical, or emotional health. Whether you’re caught up in cooking, holiday shopping, or socializing, don’t put your needs on the back burner. Take some time to relax and unwind however is best for you. Go for a walk, do some yoga, watch a hallmark movie, take a bath, or read a good book. Do something every day that makes you happy and leaves you feeling refreshed. And don’t forget—get enough sleep! The holidays can be busy, and you may feel the need to pack everything you can into each day but aim for seven to nine hours of sleep.
Don’t forget to enjoy yourself! Merry Christmas, everyone!