Spring Into Self-Care

April 5, 2019

Lindsey Haithcock- Marketing Employee

Even though it may not feel like it quite yet, spring is officially here. Although Spring comes with warmer weather and beautiful scenery, it can be a busy time – and a sneezy time. Between trying to finish out the school semester, and getting allergies from the beautiful newly blossoming trees, it can be easy to forget about your self care.

Be sure to take time to refill your personal well with these spring self-care strategies:

Spring Cleaning
Spring is the perfect time to clean both your physical space and your emotional space. It can be a time for you to let go of the things that don’t work for you anymore, like unhealthy diets or unhealthy habits. It can be a time for you to get rid of those clothes you haven’t worn in months, or those shoes you’ve been holding onto for far too long – getting rid of unused items can be extremely therapeutic. A clean space (and head space) makes all the difference.

Get Outside
There is something so special about getting out into the fresh air of spring and getting in some Vitamin D from the sun. It’s proven that these two things will be sure to lift your winter spirits. If you struggle with those pesky spring allergies – here are a couple tips that may help you:

  1. Plants release pollen early in the morning, so try to schedule activities after 10 a.m.
  2. Check the weather forecast for the predicted pollen count – if it’s high, take allergy medication before the symptoms start.
  3. Dry, windy days should be avoided if possible.

The weather is warming up, which tends to make us get out and make the most of the day. While it’s important to stay active and productive, it’s also important to rest. Sit outside with your friends, or find a quiet spot in your favorite park and start reading that book you’ve been wanting to read. Whatever is restful to you, do that.


Enjoy all of your spring work but remember these spring self-care strategies so that you can tackle them and feel refreshed. None of these have to take a ton of time out of your day, but it’s important to take some time each day for these things in order to keep your mind and body healthy. Check out our Self- Care Strategies Part 2 Workshop on April 18 if you’re interested in learning more about self-care practices.