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Course Placement & Assessment

Placement into Math and English courses are required for all new resident students, first-time college students, and college transfer students that did not transfer in the Math or English course needed for their specific major. Placement is determined by either the PLMA score (for Math) or the PLEN score (for English).

The PLMA and PLEN scores are calculated based on SAT/ACT, unweighted high school GPA, and the Math and English Assessment tests. It is recommended that new students take the Math and English Assessment tests before arriving on campus. It is very important that you do your own work and give your best effort on this test so that you will be placed in courses where you will be successful. Attempting a course that is above your skill level most likely will result in poor grades or withdrawal from the course. Taking a course below your skill level may lead to boredom and inattention and consequently a poor grade.

Placement for Math

  • Math 100 – Placement score below 70
  • Math 110 – Placement Score of 70-74
  • MATH 105 (algebra non-stem) PILOT – PLMA 60-74; students who need MATH 114, 115, or 201
  • MATH 106 (algebra for STEM) PILOT – PLMA 65-74; students who need MATH 121 or 125 or science course with MATH 110 as a prereq
  • MATH 114 – PLMA 70 or higher
  • MATH 115, 117, 121, 125, and 201 – PLMA 75 or higher
  • MATH 126 and 128 – 570 (old) or 590 (new) or higher on SAT Math or 25 or higher on ACT Math or Passed MATH 121 with a grade of “C” or higher
  • MATH 131 – 620 (old) or 640 (new) or higher on SAT Math or 27 or higher on ACT Math or Passed MATH 128 with a grade of “C” or higher

Placement for English

  • ENGL 100 – PLEN score on or below 69
  • ENGL 101 – PLEN score of 70 or higher
  • ASEN score of 38 or higher – ENGL 101 CLEP is recommended

Computer Assessment

As a Liberty student, you need to be technologically proficient. Test your competency by taking the Computer Assessment. If you don’t pass or don’t take it during the time allotted, you’ll need to complete Information Technology (INFT) 110/111.

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