Mengele’s “Children”
#30, Artistic Interpretation, not in album
Oil Painting by Dr. Pat Mercer Hutchens
Dr. Yosef Mengele, a small pistol packing geneticist referred to as “Angel of Death,” volunteered for Auschwitz. Known for hellish experimentation’s on twins (about 3,000), he injected chemicals in eyes to try to change color, performed surgeries without anesthesia, injected with lethal germs, did sex change operations, removed organs and limbs, operated on healthy spines, cut out sex organs, bled some to death, performed incestuous impregnation’s, killed twins with injected chloroform to dissect them. Blasphemously, he said he was “doing the work of God.” The full record of his horrors was “lost.” He escaped and died in Argentina, now awaiting Judgment Day.