Little Pink Rose of Hungary
#2, Auschwitz Album Revisited
Oil Painting by Dr. Pat Mercer Hutchens
I was so struck, smitten by this beautiful baby girl. She represents the myriad of babies and small children murdered immediately upon arriving at Auschwitz. Here she hangs her arm peacefully over her mother’s back while being held close, safe and warm at her mother’s breast. This child hasn’t a care in the world and has no idea of what is soon to happen. While another young child and the mothers huddle and gaze at distant dangers, she feels completely safe with her Emma (Mommy).
How many times I used to pull the sleeves down over the arms of my babies because I had no gloves to keep their little hands warm. The longer I painted on this artwork, the more I wanted to reach out and raise her as my own. I so longed to be able to save this Little Pink Rose of Hungary, but must settle for making her precious little face known, remembered and never forgotten.