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Lama Li, Emma? (Why Me Mommy?)

#14, Auschwitz Album Revisited
Oil Painting by Dr. Pat Mercer Hutchens

The full statistics of how many little ones perished in the Holocaust is impossible to calculate, but it has been estimated that 1.5 million were murdered. That would include those who died from starvation, exposure, lack of adequate clothing and shelter, those who perished in the ghettos or suffocated on cattle cars en route to various concentration camps, those shot for looking at a guard or asking a question and all those sent to be gassed and burned immediately after arriving at a death camp. At Auschwitz, the children were either separated or sent with their mother or siblings to waiting fields called “not fit for work.”

Thinking they were going for a shower, they were then made to undress and crammed like sardines into gas chambers. When the doors were locked, Zyklon B was dropped in from above. Witnesses tell of hearing screams for up to 20 minutes before they finally died. As Hitler’s plan sped up, many children were thrown, clothes and all, into fire pits. The prophet Jeremiah speaks of a “Voice heard in Ramah, Lamentations and bitter weeping, Rachel weeping for her children, refusing to be comforted because they were no more (Jeremiah 31).” Although nothing could ever replace a single slaughtered precious child, in that same passage in the Hebrew Scriptures, the LORD promised Israel a future, a hope and a return to their Homeland, Eretz Israel. “Your children will come again to their own borders.”

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