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Destruction of the Young and Disabled

#23, Auschwitz Album Revisited
Oil Painting by Dr. Pat Mercer Hutchens

Imagine surviving the horrors of any war and accidentally finding a small album of photos from your home town. Then add to that miracle that the book turned out to be the only known document of the Nazi horrors of WWII. But there is more. The first page you see shows your own Rabbi, others show members of your family, and a historical document of what was later called a “myth.” To this day, enemies of the Jewish people and really enemies of truth and justice, say there was no Holocaust, no destruction of the Jewish people. Yet Lilli Jacobs was just the one who had the evidence to show the entire process from cattle car to the cruel treatment of any slight disability or handicap–from the showers all the way to crematorium.

The baby girl’s warm shoes are stolen. The young, disabled brother is standing rather straight and tall in spite of his wooden cane and the cup his mother had tied to his coat. Was the mother taken because she was crippled, “fit to work,” unattractive or perhaps attractive and chose for the house of prostitution. In the Great Day of the Lord all will be revealed.

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