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Traffic Appeals Court

Citation Appeals

One function of the Student Court is to serve as a Traffic Court in mediating between Liberty students/faculty appealing parking and traffic citations and the Liberty University Police Department (LUPD).

The Student Court decides all citation appeals. The Court may elect to uphold, overturn, or reduce citations issued by LUPD officers at its discretion. Submit ticket appeals here.

LUPD decides all towing appeals. Submit towing appeals here.

If you have any questions about the citation appeals process, please contact the Student Court.

If you have any questions about parking and traffic rules, please contact LUPD at (434) 592-3697 or email LU Parking.


  • All appeals are decided according to the Bylaws of the Student Court.
  • Appeals may be heard in-person at the discretion of the Court. Due to the high volume of appeals, not every appeal will be heard in person, so appellants are encouraged to fully explain their case in their written appeals.
  • All communications between the Court and appellants will be by Liberty email. Failure to respond to communications from the Student Court within 48 hours may result in dismissal of an appeal.
  • Appellants and officers may request to reschedule a hearing at the Court’s discretion. The Student Court typically meets on Fridays 3:00–5:00.
  • The Court reserves the right to uphold a citation for failure to appear to a scheduled hearing.
  • All appellants will receive an emailed decision and a written rationale upon the decision of the Court.
  • Any Justice of the Student Court shall recuse himself or herself should he or she determine he or she is unable to render judgment honestly and without bias.
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