Computer Lifecycle Management is moving from a once-a-year program to a program that is ongoing throughout the year. Devices will be replaced on an “as-needed” basis with a newer working device from our stock. This will ensure that employees always have a working device that will meet the job requirements of their position. Computer replacements (LCM) can be completed through the computer repair process or through a process where the IT Helpdesk reaches out to facilitate a computer replacement. This means that as a device becomes eligible, you will be contacted for replacement options. For information on how devices are assigned, please see the FAQs for Computers as a Service.
What is Lifecycle Management (LCM)?
The Lifecycle Management program facilitates a centralized replacement of aging desktop, laptop, and tablet computers in use by University faculty and staff. Instead of individual departments spending numerous hours attempting to determine what needs to be replaced, the University utilizes a regular refresh cycle that ensures that all faculty and staff receive updated equipment over regular intervals of time. Departments are not expected to budget for and replace their laptops, tablets and desktops. Instead, this task is handled by Information Technology at no cost to departments. This program does not cover replacement of accessories (monitors, docking solutions, video adapters, etc.) and departments should budget accordingly to cover these costs. If your device type or specifications are no longer meeting the needs of your assigned job role, whether LCM eligible or not, please see the “Requesting a different device configuration?” section below.
Requesting a different device configuration?
If the device that you are assigned is not meeting requirements of the job role, you can request a different device through a Computer Assignment ticket. Through this Computer Assignment ticket, you’ll be required to provide adequate justification for a different device or upgraded specifications. Additionally, we will need approval from your Director or Chair before the IT evaluation for upgrade approval. If the provided justification does not support the decision for a different or upgraded device, you will be informed of next steps through your submitted Computer Assignment ticket.
What is needed to request a different device or upgraded specifications through the Computer Assignment ticket?
- Your information: Name, username, Department, contact information
- The type of device you’re requesting: Laptop, Desktop, or Tablet
- Director or Chair approval (this does not guarantee IT approval)
- Justification should include:
- Explanation of job duties
- Software requirements for job duties
- Explanation of why the current device is not meeting the requirements
- If further information is required, the IT Helpdesk will reach out to you
iPad and Non-standard Consumer Grade Laptop and Tablet
iPads and non-standard consumer grade laptops and tablets will be replaced when they can no longer run a supported operating system or the operating system is deemed to be unsecure, etc.
iPads and non-standard devices up for replacement will be evaluated for use-case. If the user/department no longer has a supported use-case the device must be returned to IT for disposal, but will not be replaced.
Security of the device is Information Technology’s primary requirement and concern. When a device is unable to run a secure/supported Operating System (OS) it is vulnerable to security breaches and University information can be at risk. IT will notify departments and users of unsecure/unsupported devices as soon as possible, so that the device can be replaced or surrendered to IT.
IT Surplus Buyback Program
As part of the Lifecycle Management program, Liberty University will be offering a computer buyback options to all faculty and staff for personal use only. Devices will be available on a first-come-first-served basis.
It is important to note that when repurchasing the computer, all University licensed software will be removed from the hard disk and a fresh installation of the original Windows® operating system will be installed.
There will be no other special software on the computer and it will no longer be supported by Information Technology. Instead, the employee should only contact Information Technology for assistance and repair for the Liberty-owned computer. These computers will not be eligible to be repurchased or redeployed by University departments.
For buyback-specific questions or to make a purchase, please contact IT Surplus by email at LUSurplus@Liberty.edu or by phone at (434) 592-7006. You can also visit the website www.Liberty.edu/Surplus.