Liberty University is committed to protecting the integrity of our systems and services. In this connected world, maintaining the confidentiality of student, personnel, and operational data is everyone’s responsibility. The IT Security team works hard to protect the University and its computing users from both internal and external threats.
Here’s a way you can help out the IT Security team with the numerous threats we face. If you feel that something doesn’t seem right about an email you received or anything that seems off with one of our webpages, please use the Report Security Issue link to report the incident.
Report an Incident
Use the link below to report an incident through the IT HelpDesk.
Stay Alert on Phishing
At the top of the page, there’s a New Alert involving a phishing email. This is a way that we can keep you up-to-date on the newest phishing alerts for Liberty University. Click the link to read the details for the phishing attempt. For older phishing attempts, please visit www.liberty.edu/PhishingAlerts.
Check out these Topics!
The IS Policies page provides a wide variety of policies that will help keep you and your device safe from the threats you may face here at Liberty University. We’ve noted a few polices you may find helpful along with a few other topics below: