
1971 Computers were unavailable for students use. 1980s Laptops and personal computers began to appear on campus. 1990s A random collection of classes began to use computers. By the end of the decade, five computer classrooms were constructed in the science hall. 2002 With the expansion of DeMoss, nine computer classrooms were placed on the second floor inside the ILRC. […]

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A heart for others: CSER ignites attitudes of service

More than 5,400 Liberty students volunteered about 132,000 hours of service to the local community in Fall 2010, according to Darren Wu, Liberty’s Christian/Community Service (CSER) coordinator. Last spring, more than 5,700 students volunteered just shy of 130,000 hours, Wu said. According to an economic study released in 2010, Liberty students, faculty and staff contributed 674,879 CSER hours in 2009. […]

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Defining homecoming

It’s a family reunion for students, staff, faculty and graduates. It usually involves a football game, a parade, a bonfire, lots of food and laughter. According to the Associated press, Baylor University had the first homecoming celebration in 1909 and The University of Missouri was credited with having the first homecoming alumni game in 1911. Liberty affiliates, past and present, […]

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Q & A with Chancellor Falwell

Q. What was your father’s vision for the university? A. When Liberty was founded, most conservative Christian colleges had facilities that were inferior, athletic teams that were not competitive at high levels and academic program that were unaccredited with narrow course offerings that, for the most part, trained students to become pastors, church workers and missionaries. Secular universities of the […]

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Through the ages

The story of Liberty University’s first 40 years Over the past four decades, Liberty University has grown exponentially and with its growth new opportunities have been brought to students and alumni alike. Founded in 1971 by Dr. Jerry Falwell as Lynchburg Baptist College, Liberty was always part of a bigger plan according to Liberty University Chancellor Jerry Falwell Jr. “His […]

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Homecoming parade lets students show off their spirit

Liberty University students exhibiting distracting, extreme behavior for the sake of school spirit might normally result in reprimands. However, for the Homecoming Parade, this kind of behavior is encouraged. Associate Director of Student Activities Alese Chandler believes that Homecoming weekend is a prime opportunity for Liberty University students to show their spirit by participating and competing in the Homecoming Parade, […]

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Month of hope

One moment can change everything. One test, one result and one diagnosis can alter the life of an individual and their family forever. Heila Radtke was in her last year of high school, preparing for Liberty University, when her mother, Gil, was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in 2005. “The doctor came to our house to talk because the cancer was […]

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Red Cross offers lifeguarding course to students.

As students return to campus, local businesses are bombarded with applications from hundreds of students, and the competition to get a job can seem more overwhelming than taking 18 credit hours. However, the job competition for students is looking up, because the American Red Cross Lifeguard Certification Course will open up employment opportunities in the area of saving lives. Sophomore […]

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“Celebrating Marriage” prepares students for life together.

Love was thick in the air on Wednesday, September 21 as Celebrating Marriage, a premarital workshop hosted by the Student Care Office, began among the blooming relationships of Liberty students. Celebrating Marriage was hosted by Pastor Dane Emerick who has been leading couples for the past six years. The premarital sessions are designed to educate couples who are dating, engaged […]

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Anberlin rocks Vines

The large crowd outside the Vines Center is extremely restless. Some of them have been waiting since 1:30 p.m. to obtain premium seats or standing space. Others have just arrived, tickets in hand, waiting for the huge metal doors to finally open like they were supposed to do at 7 p.m. Those closest to the doors have chanted everything from […]

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Missions Emphasis Week brings global message

Students get new look at the world’s needs with special missions focused events Liberty is looking beyond Lynchburg lines with a focus on global missions. Special events and missions-focused convocations were scheduled for Missions Emphasis Week, which kicked off Sunday, Sept. 18 and ended on Wednesday, Sept. 21. Missions Emphasis Week is held each semester, giving students the opportunity to […]

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