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I was wondering what do you need to bring with you come on Wednesday evenings and what time do y’all start seeing people
My name is Jennifer Reynolds and I and event coordinator for the Timberlake Tavern Special Events Venue. We have usually advertise in the student agenda published at beginning of year but weren’t called to advertise until the day before deadline so we unfortunately missed it.
We appreciate the Liberty students and the business they bring to us and would like to know of any opportunities to advertise for our services around campus. We are most popular for weddings but we also host other special events including business meetings, day seminars, celebrations of any kind.
Please let me know of any opportunity there may be for us to advertise for our wedding and reception venue to the students. We would like to offer a discount to them in appreciation for their former and future business with us.
Thank you for your time,
434 665 7435
Can I still drop off a Christmas Shoe Box? If so, where?
My name is Andy Gilmer. I live in Stuarts Draft, VA. I have recently published a book titled “The Sparrow and the Penny”. It is a collection of Christ-honoring short stories for children and families. It has been getting great reviews from parents and children.
If your paper does book reviews or would be interested in doing an article about a local author, please let me know. Thank you for your consideration.
Andy Gilmer
The Sparrow and the Penny
I have a question: why does the Champion NOT have a classifieds section? The reason I ask, is surely there are students that would love to advertise, via local paper things for sale, times available to tutor, etc… I think it would be a great contribution to the paper. As long as it was monitored and limited as to what could be posted. Just a thought for future issues. I am a reader of the Champion. and love it. Thanks and great job!!!
This article is about my husband, Dennis Jennings. Is it possible to get extra copies of this February edition to send to family members outside of Lynchburg?
How would an online student submit for your publication?
Thank you. God bless.
Do you have applications for young girls who want to come to the home for unwed mothers?
Why is there nothing in the Liberty Champion about Bernie Sanders coming to LU?
I have the same question as Kandy Crosby-Hastings above. Would it be possible to publish an occasional column?
I teach television and media production and was wondering if you would be open to having my class watch you film your student news show at some point next semester. Please contact me at my email address. Thanks!
Yogi Berra died yesterday. One of his team mates, Bobby Richardson, was the baseball coach here at Liberty in the 80s. This might be a wonderful opportunity to get great personal interest stories from someone who would know him well.
Did you know that October is Cyber Security month. Do you have anything planned
In regard to his recent comments on concealed carry, President Falwell claims almost universal approval on campus. I thought maybe the student newspaper would shed some light on reactions across campus. What do students think? What do faculty think? Is there freedom of dissent on campus? It’s hard to conceive there is no one on campus who is not speaking out in response. This is a story worth reporting.
Is there a way to submit an opinion piece for consideration of publication?
Do you have archives of the Liberty Champion back to the 1980’s?
Brianna Young,
I really like your article about education being an idol. What a great reminder to keep first things first!
How do we subscribe to the liberty champion newspaper?
Mail newspaper to Micah Peay 5659 Roselawn Rd SW Roanoke Va 24018
Hillary promises free college. Free college would cost taxpayers $350 billion over ten years and increase our national debt. Same scam as Obama Care. It would give fed. gov’t control over our higher education and ruin it too.
Obama established fed. gov’t control over bus., banks and investment firms through the bailouts. Next gov’t took control of our healthcare. Next they took control of the energy sector through EPA & regulations.
Hillary wants to control everything (like State Dept. e-mails) so she can continue to control our country’s wealth and power.
We need change with control going back to the PEOPLE. Vote Trump.
I would like to know how the female students at Liberty feel about the university’s continued endorsement of a man who is a self described sexual predator? Universities across the country are fighting a “rape culture” where young men feel entitled to sexually assault women, but Liberty’s response was to the Trump revelations was, “we’re all sinners”. Boys will be boys.
Liberty Champion published an article “Back in bloom again”, about Sweet Briar College. The picture provided is of William Peace College, not Sweet Briar. The source cited is from google images, from a youtube video posted by a third party that features the photo incorrectly in a slideshow of pictures about Sweet Briar. I am an alumna of SBC and know that is definitely not one of Sweet Briar’s photo’s. A reverse image search will bring up William Peace College.
The article was published September 20, page A7.
My name is Amy Kohn and I am a filmmaker writing to tell you about my documentary film A Courtship ( which premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival 2015 and won best documentary at the Buffalo International Film Festival. I think this film might be of interest to your readers/student body.
This film is about a young woman named Kelly Boggus – who is saving herself for marriage and following Christian Courtship. Kelly’s own parents think she should meet a husband through dating and disagree with courtship, so she moves in with “spiritual parents” and embarks on a journey to find a spouse. The film examines faith, vulnerability, how people follow God and so many issues that I think resonate with people of all denominations and faiths. I think this film has much to offer even for those who disagree with the beliefs presented in the film. It has sparked wonderful conversations across the country.
The film is now available for Institutional/Educational sales through Passion River Films and nationwide on VOD and DVD. I hope you will check it out and share it with those you think might be interested. If you are interested in writing about the film, I would love to send you a screener.
Amy Kohn
Amy Kohn
A Courtship: The Documentary, Follow us on social media
p:917-716-5561 | |
I found it outrageous that 3 grown men would present their views to an audience of college age young people that Donald Trump is an OK guy, when he is anything but OK…and especially from a religious point of view. One author wrote a book calling us to “Let Trump be Trump” Not one mention of his business dealings. No mention of his constant lies. No mention of his 3 wives and counting. No mention of his terrible business mistakes. No mention of his failures that left the little guys going out of business while Trump wrote it all off. No mention of his lack of tact. And one author had the audacity of telling us about God and Trump. Sadder still that there was applause for Trump. Colleges are supposed to grow young men and women…not keep them down with rotten politics and self serving presentations. And when it comes to religion? Let me suggest two books. One written by a man in the late 1880’s. The author collected very piece of literature he quoted and the title should intrigue any college well as the price. It’s FREE from google books. “Bible Myths and their parallels in other religions” by Doane. And “Putting away childish things” by Uta Ranke-Heinemann. It’s time for young people to challenge what Mom and Dad believed…if anything you’ll be smarter. Much smarter.
Hello, I am a caregiver and the woman I care for would like to get her grandson a bible subs he had just started believing before he went to jail.
His address information is
Dennis Jacobsen Doc# 360238
Coyote Ridge Corrections center
P.O. Box 769
Connell, WA 99326
Thank You and God Bless!
Please let me know if you no longer provide this service.
If you are interested in receiving our print publication, please email Thank you.
Good morning. Both of my daughters graduated from L.U. Gina (Matherly) Viar receives the Liberty Champion, but our daughter, Jamie (Matherly) Kalafatich, does not. Would you be so kind as to put Jamie on your mailing list: Dr. Jamie Kalafatich; 3044 Cherrywood Court; Eagan, MN 55121. Thanks for the great reporting. Jim Matherly
We will add her to the list this week. Thank you!
–Liberty Champion staff
Not being a student at your university, I realize I do not feel the full gravity of Falwell Jr.’s impact on the reputation of your institution. I only know how I feel. My entire life has been peppered with the misdeeds of grown men who had an agenda they didn’t want the rest of the world to know. I wish Falwell Jr. was unique. He’s not. There has to be a sobering awareness that a pattern of behaviors has taken hold in an all too regular basis: powerful, rich men thinking the are not bound by any rules or social decency. Ironically, some of these men make the very rules they want everyone else, but themselves, to abide. Worse than that, they exact harsh consequences on those who don’t. So in this spirit, I suggest Falwell Jr. should be expected to reimburse every student fine he ever imposed with the indecent amount of money he is now being paid for humiliating your students, faculty and staff. And please be aware Falwell Jr. wasn’t alone. There is more to uncover. Whenever there is access to the amount of money your university generates, you can expect humans to deviate from their stated missions and agendas. It is, and should be, a passed-on legacy and duty for each student body (with their newspaper ready for press) to insist upon transparent utilization of any and all monies meant for the university and its students. I do not think that the student body would have approved of lavish poolside vacations nor spring break parties in Florida. Most important, Falwell Jr. never repented, never asked for forgiveness, and he will take his ill-gotten monies without remorse. He will continue to live his lavish life style, sitting by the pool, doing what?
You guys should add a comic strip/funny section. That would be quite entertaining.