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Psychology Capstone Requirements

Liberty University strives to provide students with a well-rounded educational experience. This experience includes the hands-on application of course material through the completion of 3 capstone credits. There are now multiple options for students to fulfill this valuable requirement including, joining the Directed Research (Daniel’s Program) course (PSYC 495), enrolling in Special Topics in Psychology (PSYC 497), and completing an internship related to the field of psychology (PSYC 499).

PLEASE NOTE: Each student MUST complete 3 credits, therefore joining the Daniel’s team will only fulfill this requirement if the student completes 2 full semesters.

Daniels Program Directed Research (PSYC 495)

The Liberty University Psychology Daniels Program provides our top students with an opportunity to collaborate with faculty on a variety of research projects. Students are encouraged to solve “real-world” problems, while also investigating salient psychological constructs.


Course Registration

Students accepted into the Daniels Program enroll in PSYC 495 (2 credits) for the fall and spring semesters (4 credits total).


The Daniels Program prepares students for success in graduate school as well as employment in the professional field through on-going mentoring that allows for the application of theory, psychological principles, research methods, and statistics. Students receive advanced training in the research process, and the majority of teams present their findings at state, regional, or national research conferences.

Special Topics in Psychology Course (PSYC 497)

This unique course highlights specific dynamics in the field of Psychology. This course provides an in-depth dive into subjects such as:

  • Forgiveness
  • Positive Psychology
  • Loneliness
  • Suicidology
  • Attachment
  • Leadership
  • History & Systems
  • Community Psychology

PLEASE NOTE: There are limited spaces and limited course offerings for PSYC 497

Psychology Internship (PSYC 499)

An understanding of the behavior and learning potential of individuals who are different from you can be an effective tool for intrapersonal and interpersonal Christian growth. An internship provides experience in the field, awareness of professional responsibilities and skills needed to work in the field, and the ability to process and synthesize human behavior patterns.

PSYC 499 is designed to provide direct observational experience of individuals receiving services at a site. It is also designed to allow students the opportunity to build the skills needed for professional employment in the helping professions. Students will combine past course material with current observational experiences in order to synthesize their understanding of human development in spiritual, social, emotional, and cognitive-behavioral domains. The primary emphasis of PSYC 499 is the observation and acquisition of skills necessary for helping specific populations.

Requirements for Psychology Internship (PSYC 499)

In order to be considered for PSYC 499, the following requirements must be met prior to submitting an application.

  • 2.0+ overall GPA
  • Junior or Senior status
  • 18 credits of PSYC or PSYC-related coursework successfully completed (includes CCOU, MILT, LIFC, CRIS, SOCI, and COUN courses)
  • Students must obtain a suitable internship site
    • Note: At least 70% of hours in direct observation of the special population the site services with a maximum of 30% of hours in administrative duties. 
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