Audra Rygh serves as an Instructor of Studio and Digital Arts at Liberty University. She began her career in Graphic Design and Photography and has specialized in this area with a focus on Print Design and Portraiture. She has worked as a Wedding Photographer and Freelance Graphic Designer for her own business, Audra Lynne Creative. Audra’s Wedding Photography Business is thriving, and she enjoys presenting at conferences with other Studio and Digital Arts faculty members on topics related to design thinking including the UCDA Design Educator Summit in Summer of 2019 at East Tennessee State University.
Professional/Notable Memberships
- American Institute of Graphic Artists (AIGA)
Research Interests
- Photography
- Visual Storytelling
- Cognitive and Behavioral Psychology
- Arts Entrepreneurship
Courses Taught
- Intro to Graphic Design
- Typography
- Media Design
- Digital Photography
- Digital Photography
- Professional Practices