French Minor

Residential Minor in French
Enhance your chosen course of study and future career options with a minor in French from Liberty University. Grow in your appreciation of French culture and equip yourself to communicate with French-speaking people in over 40 countries around the world. Enhance your critical thinking and problem-solving skills and sharpen your understanding of cultural values and differences.
Study with professors who are native French speakers, experienced in language acquisition, and grounded in their Christian faith. Learn through classroom instruction, and hands-on practice in the language lab as you increase your language proficiency.
*Students with previous French knowledge can transfer AP or CLEP credits to speed up the minor, or place directly into upper-level courses. Learn more about your credit-by-exam options at Liberty or schedule a CLEP exam on campus.
Academic Information: Residential Minor in French
Featured French Courses
- Elementary French II (FREN 102)
- Intermediate French I (FREN 201)
- Intermediate French II (FREN 202)
- Choose from a variety of 300-400 courses on culture, conversation, literature, or translation.
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