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Writing Style Guides

Below are example papers and templates for different academic writing styles required in Liberty’s programs.  Remember that you do have access to Grammarly, a helpful writing resource in many ways (please see this resource on Grammarly’s Place in the Writing Process), but these links below are the writing style guides you should use as vetted by the university and its individual departments.

Students are encouraged to download and save the selected template file to their desktop in .dotm format. This will allow it to open as the same, unchanged template every time and prevent it from being overwritten.

American Psychology Association


Modern Language Association (MLA)

MLA-9 has separate formatting rules for individual student papers and group projects:

Please refer to our MLA Quick Guide page for more MLA resources.

American Medical Association (AMA)


Please refer to our Bluebook Resources page for more Bluebook resources.

These Bluebook resources are only intended for use in writing essays and research papers for PLST and JURI courses where the formatting requirements are otherwise unspecified. They are not intended to be used for legal documents such as case briefs, memos, persuasive briefs, complaints, etc.

If you are an online student, please visit the Online Writing Center home page for writing tutoring services and more writing aids.

If you are a residential student, please visit the Residential Writing Center home page for writing tutoring services and more writing aids.

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