Stand Out from Your Competition by Uploading Documents to Handshake

When searching for a job, it’s critical to have a portfolio of well-crafted documents – resumes, cover letters, transcripts, and more. When you upload your documents to Handshake, all of your files are conveniently stored in one place for easy access. You can also choose which documents are visible on your profile so that recruiters can view what you have to offer, making you stand out from your competition. You can upload your documents to Handshake in just a few quick steps.
Before You Upload:
Check to see that your documents fit the Handshake requirements. A document must be 20 MB or less, and should be in PDF, .DOC, or .DOCX format. Handshake prefers PDF format for document uploads and will automatically attempt to convert your file into a PDF once you upload it.
How to Upload Your Documents
- Click on your account icon in the top right-hand corner of the Handshake home page. Select “Documents” from the drop-down menu.
- If this is your first time uploading a document, you will have two options for file selection. You may drag and drop your file to the screen or click the blue “Select file from your computer” button to choose your document. If this is not your first upload, select the blue “Add a new document” button.
- Once you have selected the file, a pop-up will appear to provide a preview of your document. This is where you can make finalized changes to your document file name.
- Next, determine your document type from the drop-down list. The possible document types are resume, cover letter, transcript, or other document. Make sure the document type is an accurate representation of your file.
- Click “Add Document” to complete the upload. Once it is complete, you may review or manage your document on the “Document overview” page, where you can choose to feature the document on your profile, make edits, or delete the document.
Uploading documents to Handshake is a great way to build up your profile and showcase your qualifications for employers. Each document you upload boosts your chances of success. For more support, watch this video.
Click here for more Handshake resources from Liberty University’s Career Services team.