Minor in Accounting
Residential Minor in Accounting
Increase your career potential with an Accounting Minor from Liberty University. Broaden your understanding of finance, and learn common terms and principles used in the industry. Gain knowledge of accounting fundamentals and the U.S. tax system in classes designed to help you succeed. Strengthen your critical thinking skills through simulations as you learn to make business decisions based on available data.
Study with professors who are Certified Public Accountants with years of experience in their field and who are rooted in their Christian faith. Develop the skills you need to succeed personally and professionally as you prepare to make an impact.
Topics you will study
- Financial principles
- Managerial principles
- Corporate accounting
- Taxation
- Data analysis
Academic Information: Residential Minor in Accounting
Featured Accounting Courses
- Financial Principles (ACCT 211)
- Managerial Principles (ACCT 212)
- Corporate Accounting (ACCT 311)
- Individual Taxation (ACCT 401)
- Legal & Ethical Concepts for Decision Makers (BUSI 301)
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