Professor of Law, Bar Exam Success Coordinator
- J.D., Brooklyn Law School, magna cum laude
- B.A., Michigan State University
Areas of Interest/Teaching
Family Law, Constitutional Law, Lawyering Skills, Foundations of Law, Constitutional Litigation Clinic, Bar Exam Preparation
- Holds position as Professor of Law
- Served as Interim Dean and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
- Admitted to practice law in
- Florida, New York, and Virginia state courts
- United States Supreme Court
- Several United States Courts of Appeal
- Served as Senior Litigation Counsel to Liberty Counsel, a nonprofit litigation and education organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, and traditional family
- Actively involved in efforts to preserve traditional marriage through litigation, legislation, and constitutional amendments
- Filed the first lawsuit to enjoin San Francisco’s efforts to “marry” same-sex couples, and obtained two orders enjoining public officials in New York from officiating same-sex unions
- Challenged New York City’s decision to publicly fund a high school for homosexual students and a Maryland school board’s decision to implement sex education curriculum that presented materials hostile to conservative, religious beliefs
- Provided representation to Child Evangelism Fellowship in its efforts to gain access to public schools for after-school Good News Clubs
- Launched the first annual “Day of Purity,” a project encouraging youth to make a commitment to remain sexually pure in mind and actions, and continues to serve as its International Coordinator
- Associate with Katsky & Korins, LLP, one of the longest-lived mid-sized general practice law firms in New York City, for five years
- Handled all aspects of a broad range of commercial litigation matters, including partnership disputes, federal and state securities matters, and commercial foreclosures
- Provided representation to major real estate enterprises and commercial banks, including The Related Companies, LLP and Lennar Partners
- Litigation associate at Sullivan & Cromwell, an international law firm of over 800 attorneys
- Served as Associate Managing Editor of the Brooklyn Law Review and as a member of the Brooklyn Law School Moot Court’s Executive Board while in law school
Publication Experience
- Assisted Norman S. Poser, Professor of Law at Brooklyn Law School, in bringing to publication the first edition of Broker-Dealer Law and Regulation (Aspen 3d ed. 2000)
- Co-authored several legal memoranda for legislative bodies, including “The Federal Marriage Amendment Preserves Marriage as the Union of One Man and One Woman and is Consistent with Constitutional Jurisprudence and Federalism,” “Constitutional Analysis of the New York ‘Dignity for All Students Act,’” and “Legal Analysis of SB 101: Proposal to Add Sexual Orientation to the Illinois Human Rights Act”
Research, Writing, and Scholarship
- Only One Mommy: One Woman’s Battle for Her Life, Her Daughter, and Her Freedom—The Lisa Miller Story (2011). Written from the perspective of one woman’s struggle with same-sex attractions and the ensuing interstate custody battle for her biological child, this book offers truth to those struggling with homosexuality, encourages churches to minister to those caught in the lifestyle, and stirs freedom-loving Americans to get involved in the culture war that is raging all around them.
Published Articles
- Does Sex Discrimination Include Gender Identity: Courts in the Fourth Circuit Weigh in on the Question, 70 S.C. L. Rev. 1223 (Summer 2019). This article surveys recent decisions from the courts in the Fourth Circuit addressing the questions of whether “sex discrimination” includes gender identity and sexual orientation. After discussing the cases, it highlights the significant issues impacting schools, employers, places of public accommodation, and other entities covered under Titles VII and IX of the Civil Rights Act.
- An Ethically Appropriate Response to Individuals with Gender Dysphoria, 13 Liberty U. L. Rev. 295 (Spring 2019). This article explores existing medical and legal responses to gender dysphoric individuals, addresses ethical dilemmas posed by those existing responses, and then proposes a path forward.
- When the Pursuit of Liberty Collides with the Rule of Law, 11 Liberty U. L. Rev. 667 (Summer 2017). This article explores the Supreme Court’s use of “transcendent” principles to determine whether the Court’s reliance on such principles is consistent with the rule of law and separation of powers.
- The Erosion of the Rule of Law When a State Attorney General Refuses to Defend the Constitutionality of Controversial Laws, 21 Barry L. Rev. 1 (Spring 2016). The article explores the duty of state attorneys general to defend laws with which they personally disagree.
- A State’s Obligation to Fund Hormonal Therapy and Sex-Reassignment Surgery for Prisoners Diagnosed with Gender Identity Disorder, 7 Liberty U. L. Rev. 15 (Fall 2012). This article explores whether the Eighth Amendment requires states to fund hormonal therapy or sex-reassignment surgery for prisoners with gender identity disorder.
- Holding Schools Accountable When They Teach Factually Inaccurate Information Concerning Sexual Orientation, 5 Liberty U. L. Rev. 463 (Spring 2011). This article exposes the fallacy of the modern sexual education curriculum’s view that same-sex sexual attractions are immutable, safe, and normal.
- The Fallacy of Neutrality from Beginning to End: the Battle Between Religious Liberties and Rights Based on Homosexual Conduct, 4 Liberty U. L. Rev. 425 (Fall 2010). This article highlights the worldview conflict that lays at the foundation of the battle between religious liberties and the quest for rights based on homosexual conduct. The article emphasizes the point that there is no neutral stance on this issue: religious liberties decrease as rights based on homosexual conduct are granted.
- Same-Sex Relationships and The Full Faith and Credit Clause: Reducing America to the Lowest Common Denominator, 16 William & Mary J. Women & Law 29 (Fall 2009). This article explores the proper interpretation of the full faith and credit clause as it relates to issues concerning recognition of same-sex relationships and custody orders arising out of such relationships.
- Sacrificing Motherhood on the Altar of Political Correctness: Declaring a Legal Stranger to Be a Parent Over the Objections of the Child’s Fit Biological Parent, 21 Regent U. L. Rev. 1 (Fall 2008). This article overviews various approaches used by courts to determine if third parties will be afforded visitation or custodial rights over the objections of a fit biological parent. It then sets forth a standard that is consistent with parents’ God-given responsibility to rear their children without improper government interference.
- A Battle Worth Fighting, Evangelical Christian (Oct. 2007). This magazine article encouraged Christians in Canada to continue to fight to preserve traditional marriage despite laws penalizing citizens for speaking in defense of traditional marriage.
- An Interdisciplinary Approach to Litigation Concerning Same-Sex Attractions and Gender Identity Disorder. Analyzes the use in civil rights litigation of medical research concerning the immutability of sexual orientation and the proper treatment of gender identity disorder. (Published in NARTH 2006 Conference Reports).
After one year as an adjunct assistant professor of law at Liberty University School of Law, she joined the full-time faculty. She served as the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs from 2011-2016 and completed close to a year-long tenure as Interim Dean in 2015.
While at Liberty Counsel, she was a part of numerous cases representing Child Evangelism Fellowship. One case led to the first reported decision affirming the right of public school teachers to lead Bible clubs at school, after school hours. She also was part of the legal team that defended, in litigation at the United States Supreme Court, the right of McCreary County to display the Ten Commandments in a county building.
She has appeared on numerous radio and television programs around the world, including BBC News, MSNBC’s “The Abrams Report” and “Scarborough Country,” CNN’s “Paula Zahn Now,” and Fox News Radio’s “The Alan Colmes Show.” She has been a speaker and panelist at a number of conferences, seminars, and debates around the country.