Annual chaplains conference offers time of fellowship, encouragement

On Wednesday, October 18, Joe Martins, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, made a presentation at the annual Refuel Conference held in the Liberty Mountain Conference Center. He provided valuable information about religious liberty so that the attendees, mostly consisting of military chaplains, would understand the extent of their rights while in uniform. Read the full […]

12 months ago

12 months ago | Read More

Liberty Law Professor contends that the seven deadly sins are the root cause of all major ethical violations by lawyers

Before joining the faculty of Liberty University School of Law, Professor Tory L. Lucas taught legal ethics at Creighton University School of Law, Stetson University College of Law, and the University of Nebraska College of Law. Professor Lucas always maintained that the Golden Rule formed the proper foundation for legal ethics, “I think that the […]

3 years ago

3 years ago | Read More

Liberty Law Professor Rena Lindevaldsen writes “Bostock v. Clayton County: A Pirate Ship Sailing Under a Textualist Flag”

Purporting to follow a textualist interpretation of the Civil Rights Act, the United States Supreme Court in Bostock v. Clayton County held that the language of the historic 1964 civil rights legislation that prohibited discrimination based on “race, color, religion, sex, or national origin,” also prohibited discrimination based on homosexual or transgender status. While heralded […]

3 years ago

3 years ago | Read More