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Strategic Intelligence Society

What is SIS?

The​ ​Strategic​ ​Intelligence​ ​Society​ ​is​ a Helms School of Government affiliated club which aims ​to​ ​prepare​ ​students​ ​for​ ​employment​ ​within the​ ​Intelligence​ ​Community​ ​by​ supplementing classroom learning with practical experience.

Operations and workshops offer opportunities to ​encourage​ ​critical​ ​thinking, practice analysis, research and employ tradecraft techniques, foster relationships with fellow classmates, and broaden knowledge of the fields of politics, law enforcement, technology, transnational issues, economics, and military policy.


  • To​ ​teach​ ​students​ ​to​ ​think​ ​critically​ ​and​ ​analyze​ ​current​ ​intelligence​ ​issues​ ​through participating​ ​in​ ​mock​ ​operations.
  • To​ ​gain​ ​an​ ​enhanced​ ​understanding​ ​of​ ​intelligence​ ​positions​ ​​through​ ​presentations​ ​by​ ​former and current intelligence professionals.
  • To​ ​provide​ ​ample​ ​extracurricular​ ​activities​ that serve ​as​ ​an ​introduction to​ ​working within​ ​government​ ​and​ ​Intelligence​ ​Community.

What do we do?

  • Surveillance and counter-surveillance
  • Interrogation
  • Intelligence analysis
  • Briefings
  • Networking with IC agencies and officials

If interested in joining, please fill out the membership form below and email the completed form to



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