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Alexander Hamilton Society (AHS)

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The Alexander Hamilton Society (AHS) is a non-partisan, national organization that inspires and educates students in the importance of American leadership in the world and launches them into careers in public service, academia, and business.

Hamiltonians, an elite group of students, faculty, national policy leaders, and captains of finance and industry, share a conviction rooted in the history of the last century, that the world is a better, safer, and more prosperous place when the United States is willing and able to lead. 

We bring an alternative point of view on college campuses by holding student group discussions and by hosting panels and debates between
our speakers, who are some of our nation’s most distinguished scholars and practitioners, and local professors on critical issues in foreign policy, national security, and economic statecraft.

With the world more chaotic and dangerous today than it has been in a half-century, our debates aim to provide students with an understanding of what American leadership has achieved and why it’s worth defending. Furthermore, we address complex issues from multiple perspectives. In doing so, our discussions foster respect for different opinions and promote critical thinking in the next generation of leaders. Students often leverage their interactions with our speakers — such as exclusive dinners for chapter officers with visiting speakers — into internships and even careers.

Membership is open to all current undergraduate students.

If interested in joining, please fill out the membership form below



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