Program Expectations & Advising Resources for the Ed.D. in Administration & Supervision
Licensure, Building-Level
The mission of School Administration Programs at Liberty University is to develop competent professionals with a Biblical worldview for Christian, public, and private schools. This degree leads to a Virginia license in School Administration and Supervision. The program is nationally approved by the Educational Leadership Constituent Council (ELCC).
The Ed.D. is a fifty-four hour program, and culminates in a capstone project.

The Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) accredits Liberty University. CAEP promotes excellence in educator preparation through content and pedagogy, clinical partnerships and practice, candidate recruitment, progression and support, program impact, and quality assurance and continuous improvement. Liberty University meets rigorous national standards for educator preparation set by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation.
- General Information
- Degree Completion Plan
- Course Guides
- A current state teaching license is required (elementary, middle grades, secondary, special education, or school counseling).
- Three years of full-time contractual teaching experience while holding a renewable teaching or school counseling license is required (years may be accrued during Ed.D. program). A provisional license will not suffice.
- Candidates must document at least one year of full-time contractual teaching or school counseling experience prior to the internship.
- Field Experiences: EDAS 588, EDAS 688, and EDAS 699
- EDAS 588: Practicum I must be taken alongside EDAS 741.
- EDAS 688: Practicum II must be taken alongside EDAS 742.
- 3.0 GPA
- Gate Information
- Gate 1: Program Acknowledgement
- Gate 2: Program Status Check
- Gate 3: Program Admission & Internship Application
- Licensure Exam
- Licensure Exam
- Gate 4: Program Exit & Licensure Application
- Capstone Information
- All non-capstone coursework must be completed prior to starting EDUC 880.
- Ed.D. students are allowed to enroll in EDUC 887, 888, 889 a maximum of two times. Extensions for exceptional circumstances must be approved by the School of Education.
- Enrollment in EDUC 890 is contingent on School of Education approval.
- Beginning with EDUC 880, candidates must continuously enroll in capstone coursework until the final defense. Candidates who break enrollment will be required to re-apply to the program.
Framework and Dispositions
The purpose of the School of Education is to develop Christ-centered educators and leaders through rigorous, biblically-based instruction and practical training.
The faculty of the School of Education has delineated the dispositions that must be observable in each candidate of our programs at all levels:
- Displays a sense of social responsibility
- Demonstrates commitment/work ethic
- Demonstrates reflective practice
- Displays personal integrity
- Displays professionalism
Licensure Information
Candidates who are interested in a teaching or advanced state license must complete a Virginia Department of Education approved program. To be eligible for verification forms for other states, the licensure office must verify that the candidate has completed one of our approved licensure programs. Programs that lead to licensure will involve coursework, licensure tests, and student teaching or internship.
Some states may not accept student teaching or teaching experience outside of the US or its territories (including the Commonwealth of Virginia for Administration & Supervision candidates).
Social Security Number for Licensure
To apply for a Virginia license, candidates must submit proof of a social security number (SSN). If the candidate does not have a SSN, the candidate must apply for a SSN.
Background Check
The School of Education strives to produce educators who model high standards before their peers. In keeping with this mission, candidates will complete a variety of field experiences in the K–12 school system as part of his/her program. Background checks have become a requirement in our partnerships with school systems. Out of respect for this, we require all candidates to complete a background check through American DataBank.
Field Experience
Early and ongoing field experiences are crucial for initial and advanced licensure preparation. The continuum of field experiences required in Liberty University’s program includes practicums in PreK–12 settings and culminates in an internship during the final semester.
The Gate system is designed as a set of checkpoints to ensure that candidates have met the necessary requirements to complete the program. The Gate system is an important part of maintaining a quality program as required by our licensing and accrediting bodies.
The internship (320 hours) requires a Full Semester (16 weeks) commitment in the last semester of the degree program. It is the culmination of all coursework and pre-professional experience. All Advanced Internship Assessments must be met during the internship placement; therefore, it is important to prepare thoroughly and decrease outside responsibilities during this semester.
Transfer Credit
View the doctoral transfer policies. Capstone and Dissertation courses are not eligible to be transferred.
- View the School Administration Handbook in the Licensure Resource Community.
- Capstone Handbook