Letting Go of Micromanaging, Part 3
E/4:29 Parent-to-Parent We spend 18-25 years (on average) securing the well-being of our children. Then the time comes when we send them off to college, or the military, and have to let go of daily interactions and decisions. It’s a process, not micromanaging anymore, but we can do it! Our students want to know they…
|Letting Go of Micromanaging, Part 2
E/4:29 Parent-to-Parent So many new choices and options through the college years await! We can’t expect our students or ourselves to get all of it right. There has only been One that was perfect! Our adult lives are filled with choices like the free will that God gave us in the beginning in the Garden….
|Letting Go of Micromanaging, Part 1
E/4:29 Parent-to-Parent Learning Something New The Bible encourages us to be good stewards of our resources, so when we invested money into our children’s education, we talked to them about our expectations and being able to check in occasionally about their grades. I’m not talking about micromanaging their every decision or choice during college or…
|First-Week Jitters Aren’t Just For Students
The College Parenting Journey Series Meet the Author Veronica Fath Coordinator
|Whatever You Think
Whatsoever series Philippians 4:8 says “Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” Your student’s college journey is in many respects also your family’s journey. To do it together…