Career Choices

By Ella Kate McCormack
Choosing a career is a decision weighing on the minds of most college students – it is one of the most significant decisions one will make in his or her life. There is much more to choosing a career than just picking a job. A career sets a direction for the future, for financial situations, and oftentimes the quality of one’s life. The process of selecting the right career can be daunting, but if a person understands their interests, values, goals, and purpose, they can make an informed selection that will set them up for success.
Before making any career decisions, it is critical that one engages in self-examination to assess their skills, interests, values, and goals. During this stage of the career selection process, a a person might ask themselves the following questions:
- What are my strengths and weaknesses?
- What am I passionate about?
- What kind of work environment will I thrive in?
- What kind of impact would I like to have on those around me and for the Kingdom of God?
Self-awareness is the foundation of a well-informed career choice. By understanding personal preferences and unique characteristics, one can begin to narrow down the options.

The next step is equally important – doing your research. Below are a few considerations for research prior to making a decision about a career.
- Job market trends – Which professions are in demand? What does this mean for my career progression?
- Educational requirements – Do I need to sit for any exams post graduation or pursue a graduate degree?
- Day-to-day responsibilities – What does this job realistically entail? Do the day to day tasks fit my personality and skillsets?
- Salary and benefits – What does the earning potential look like? How are people in this profession compensated?
Do your homework on different industries and the major companies within said industry. There are an ample number of resources for learning more about the careers you may be interested in. The more informed you are, the fewer surprises you will encounter upon accepting an offer. Make it a priority to gain experience in different fields as well so you can decide if the careers you’re interested in align with your expectations and values. Internships, volunteer opportunities, and part-time jobs are all great ways to get some practical experience and aid your decision-making.
Here are a few resources that may prove useful.
Once a few ideas are in mind for potential career paths, seek guidance! Do not be afraid to reach out to peers, mentors, professors, career counselors, or other professionals for advice or with questions. Liberty University’s Career Center is full of resources to assist in finding a career, and a career coach may be very helpful when it comes to doing your research, offering insight, or getting connected with professionals and opportunities.

With clarity from self-assessment, research, and advice received, it should be easier to set clear goals. Include short-term and long-term objectives, as well as goals that may have more to do with intended lifestyle.
As big of a decision as a career choice may be, it is important to keep in mind that job choices are not set in stone. As interests and circumstances change, career paths may evolve. More than half of college graduates do not even work in their field of study! Do not be afraid to adapt and reevaluate choices as needed.
Keep in mind that this decision about your career, along with all other decisions, should be made in tandem with the Lord. The best career path for a person is one that will allow him/her to glorify God using their unique strengths and gifts. He has given each of us the ability to accomplish His will through our work – whether we serve Him through financial services, medicine, engineering, education, or any other field. Colossians 3:23-24 reads “And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ.” It should be a comfort to know that no matter which career path we choose, the Lord is with us, and that who our work is done for matters far more than anything else.