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Web Maintenance Procedures

Stick to a schedule to keep your webpages updated. Not only will this keep your pages relevant, but regular maintenance will help establish trust with your readers.

Things to Avoid

  • Pages with old dates
  • Slideshows of long past social events
  • Outdated calendars

Set Dates to Check Your Site

Scheduling time on your calendar for regular web maintenance will help you remember when to update content that’s subject to being outdated. Time-sensitive material should be updated frequently, monthly, or annually – depending on its subject matter.

Maintenance Examples

Update frequently:

  • News pages
  • Special events pages


Update monthly:

  • Calendars


Update yearly:

  • Sign-up forms featuring dates
  • Timely statistical information

Get Rid of ROT

Redundant, outdated, and trivial content (ROT) is a real problem for many web content creators. Without keeping close track of our pages, our websites can grow out of control with information that is no longer or has never been useful to our readers.

One way to get control of a website with multiple pages is by conducting a site audit and using it as a tool to identify pages that should be deleted.

For more information on conducting an audit of your site and getting rid of ROT contact our Web Content Team.

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