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Blog Policy

University Blog Purpose

The purpose of providing blog functionality on Liberty University’s websites is to encourage internal and external communication about select university topics. Keep in mind that an active blog requires regular posting at least once or twice a month. 

Bloggers and Blog Publishers

Permission may be granted to a WordPress contributor who has approval from their administration. After a request has been made, the Web Content team sends a questionnaire regarding the nature of the blog. If approved, access is granted.

Bloggers and their Blog Publishers are responsible for the content appearing in their blogs.

Topics Encouraged in Blogs

  • Academic subjects, research, etc.
  • Spiritual life
  • Campus life & campus events
  • Athletics (most relevant within athletic departments)


Content Prohibited in Blogs

  • Topics inconsistent with the university’s mission and doctrinal statement
  • Foul or abusive language
  • Images violating copyright law


Images for Blogs

You can use your own photos if they are good quality, or you can request images for blogs from your department’s Marketing project coordinator. Or, download them from websites that offer free photos. Many don’t require attribution.


Submitted Comments

Blog authors may choose to turn the comment functionality on or off for their blog. All comments must be approved by a Blog Publisher before they are posted.

If the Blog Publisher chooses to accept comments for a blog, they are responsible for reviewing the comments and approving. The Blog Publisher is also responsible for the content of the approved comments.

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