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Swipe Out Hunger

Commuters, are you struggling with food insecurity?

Are you skipping meals to make ends meet? The Swipe Out Hunger program may just be the remedy to this.

Submit A Request Form


How does this program work?

Students can fill out the Swipe Out Hunger Request Form if they are in need. If awarded, 20 meal swipes will be provided to you at no cost. These meal swipes can only be used at the Reber Thomas Dining Hall and must be used by the end of the semester. Eligible commuter students will be notified by email when the request has been approved. Meal grants will be added within two business days of approval. Balance information is also available in ASIST.


What if I purchased a meal plan already?

If you purchased a meal plan, you will automatically use your purchased meal plan first before using any of the Swipe Out Hunger meal swipes.


Does this impact my financial aid?

This is considered a financial aid resource; therefore, it will be added to your financial aid package. This is not a charge to your student account.


Can I reapply if I still have a need?

Absolutely. Commuters struggling in this area can request additional meal swipes as often as needed.


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