Pop-Up Library
Stop by the Pop-Up Library to check out fun and practical items from the Beyond Books Collection and more!
Game Night at the LIbrary
Play games and enjoy snacks at Game Night at the Library. Choose from select board games, card games, and puzzles, and check out even more games in the library’s Beyond Books collection! There will be snacks and a chance to win a $25 Amazon gift card, so don’t miss out on the fun!
Developing a Great Theology Paper: Navigating Viewpoints, Arguments, and Primary Sources for a Scholarly Paper
Join us to learn about the foundational components of the key elements of a theology paper including the thesis statement, investigative method, warranted argument, critical engagement, and summary conclusion.
Register by clicking on the webinar title and then clicking the Register button. Once you have registered, you will receive a confirmation email that is a calendar invitation. Click on accept to add the event to your Outlook calendar.
Pop-Up Library
Stop by the Pop-Up Library to check out fun and practical items from the Beyond Books Collection and more!
Keep Your Enemies Close . . . and Your References Closer!
Do you want to develop a strong approach to organizing your references? Join us to learn how to easily access and utilize the evidence, data, participants, methods, or any other information for the writing process.
Register by clicking on the webinar title and then clicking the Register button. Once you have registered, you will receive a confirmation email that is a calendar invitation. Click on accept to add the event to your Outlook calendar.