Yan Xie

Professor of Chinese | Modern Languages
- Ed.D. in Teaching and Learning, Liberty University
- M.Ed. in Second Language Acquisition, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
- M.A. in American Studies, Xi’an Foreign Languages University, Xi’an, China
Dr. Yan Xie was born in China and is a native speaker of Mandarin. She came to the United States in 2001.
She utilizes a student-centered approach to build up communicative competence and improve proficiency level and creates an immersive classroom environment to realize authentic learning.
She serves as the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) as an Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) certified tester in Mandarin Chinese. She integrates the World-Readiness Standards of ACTFL into instruction.
Courses Developed and Taught
- CHIN 101: Elementary Chinese I
- CHIN 102: Elementary Chinese II
- CHIN 201: Intermediate Chinese I
- CHIN 202: Intermediate Chinese II
- CHIN 304: Chinese Civilization and Culture
- CHIN 305: Christianity and Chinese Culture
- CHIN 497: Special Topics: Intermediate Reading and Writing in Modern Chinese
- 2023. “Ideal L2 self of language learners: Chinese, French, and Spanish”. Chapter 2 in Enhancing Beginner-Level Foreign Language Education for Adult Learners: Language Instruction, Intercultural Competence, Technology, and Assessment (p.11-24). (coauthored with Laura Ziebart)
- 2022. “Perceptions of effective foreign language teaching: A case study of Chinese.” The Journal of Chinese as a Second Language (CSL)| 漢語教學研究—美國中文教師學會學報. (coauthored with Laura Ziebart)
- 2022. “Transition to Online Foreign Language Class Under COVID-19 Pandemic: Better or worse?” submitted to the Journal of the Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (CSCTFL). https://tinyurl.com/2022CSCTFLReport (Coauthored with Laura Ziebart)
- 2019 (Nov.). “Chinese Learners’ Ideal L2 self and Attitudes Toward Pronunciation.” Annual Conference of American Council of the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Washington, DC.
- 2019 (Oct.). “Prepare Learners For Cross-Cultural Communications.” Annual Conference of Foreign Languages Association of Virginia (FLAVA). Williamsburg, VA.
- 2019. “Instructional Interventions and Character Learning Strategies: A Study on Orthographic Study Assignments.” Book chapter in Emerging Trends in Teaching and Learning Chinese as a Second or Foreign Language in the Twenty-first Century.
- 2018. “Motivation of Ideal Chinese L2 Self and Global Competence: A Case Study on Postsecondary Chinese Language Learners.” Chinese as a Second Language 53(2),163–186.
- 2017. “American Chinese Language Learners’ Ideal Chinese L2 Self.” Chinese as a Second Language Research (CASLAR) 6(2), 301-328.
- 2015. “The Acquisition of Mandarin Basic Vowels by American Students: The Comparison of Disyllabic Words and Sentences.” Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association (JCLTA) 50(1), 43-59.
- 2014. Second Language Self of Chinese Heritage and Nonheritage Learners. Germany: Scholars’ Press.
- 2014. “L2 Self of Beginning-level Heritage and Non-heritage Post-secondary Learners of Chinese.” Foreign Language Annals 47(1), 189-203.
- 2013. “The Acquisition of Mandarin Basic Vowels by American Students: The Comparison of Mono- and Di-syllabic Words and the Effects of Tones.” Journal of Chinese Language Teachers Association (JCLTA) 48(1), 91-108.
- 2011. “Representations of L2 Motivational Self System With Beginning Chinese Language Learners at College Level in the United States: Heritage and Nonheritage Language Learners” (Doctoral Dissertation). Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database. (UMI No. 3450776).
- 2010. “The Chinese Vowels Acquisition by North American Students: A Comparative Study between Low and High-Level Learners.” Journal of Chinese Language Teachers Association (JCLTA), 45(2), 1-18.
- 2022 (Oct.) “Using Interactional Technologies to Improve Students’ Language Skills”. Accepted to present at Fall Conference of Foreign Languages Association of Virginia (FLAVA), Williamsburg, VA. (proposal accepted for presentation)
- 2022 (Apr.). The full paper presented “What is your students’ ideal L2 self and how to help them to achieve their goals?” 2022 Southern Conference of Language Teaching (SCOLT).
- 2022 (Mar.) “Integrate Christian Faith into Teaching”. Seminar at Center for Teaching Excellence, Liberty University.
- 2022 (Jan.). Full paper presented “Transition to online foreign language classes: Better or worse?” All Faculty Winter Conference of Liberty University, Lynchburg.
This paper was selected as “Best Academic Paper” for the session of full articles. - 2021 (Oct.7). “Perceptions of effective foreign language teaching: A case study of Chinese”. Annual Fall Conference of Foreign Languages Association of Virginia (FLAVA), virtual. (The undergraduate student Laura Ziebart is the co-presenter.)
- 2021 (Mar.) “Impacts of emergent online classes on foreign language learners.” Annual Spring Conference of Foreign Languages Association of Virginia (FLAVA), virtual.
- 2021(Jan.). “Transition to online foreign language classes: Better or worse?” All Faculty Winter Conference of Liberty University, Lynchburg.
- 2020 (April). “What is your students’ ideal L2 self and how to help them to achieve their goals?” Annual conference of US Chinese Language Teachers Association (CLTA-US), Washington, D. C. (selected)
- 2019 (Nov.). “Chinese Learners’ Ideal L2 self and Attitudes Toward Pronunciation.” Annual Conference of American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), Washington, DC.
- 2019 (Oct.) “Prepare Learners For Cross-Cultural Communications.” Annual Fall Conference of Foreign Languages Association of Virginia (FLAVA), Williamsburg, VA.
- 2019 (Apr.) “Implication of Chinese language learners’ ideal Chinese L2 self in teaching Chinese as a foreign Language.” Annual conference of US Chinese Language Teachers Association (CLTA-US), Seattle, WA.
- Jan. 2019 and Jan. 2018. “Learning Motivation and Global Competence: A Study of Postsecondary Chinese Language Learners.” All Faculty Winter Conference of Liberty University, Lynchburg.
- April 2018. “Instructional Interventions and Character Learning Strategies: A Study on Orthographic Study Assignments.” Annual Conference of US Chinese Language Teachers Association, Washington, D.C.
- Nov. 2017. “Chinese Character Learning Strategies and Outcome with Different Teaching Environments.” Third International Symposium on the Culture of Chinese Characters and Language, Boston, MA.
- Sept. 2016. “Pedagogical Implication of Chinese Second Language Self.” Annual Conference of Foreign Languages Association of Virginia (FLAVA), Williamsburg.
- Nov. 2015. “Integrating Authentic Multimedia Materials into Intermediate Chinese Courses.” Paper selected to be presented at Annual Conference of American Council of the Teaching of Foreign Languages, San Diego, CA.
- Oct. 2015. “Enhance Chinese Learners’ Proficiency Level through Applying Learner-centered Curriculum.” Annual Conference of Foreign Languages Association of Virginia (FLAVA), Williamsburg, VA.
- Nov. 2014. “Pedagogical Implication of Chinese Second Language Self.” Annual Conference of American Council of the Teaching of Foreign Languages, San Antonio, TX.
- Sept. 2014. “Integrating the National Foreign Language Learning Standards at College Level.” Annual Conference of Foreign Languages Association of Virginia (FLAVA), Williamsburg, VA.
- Sept. 2013. “Impacts of the Tones on the Learning of Chinese: Linguistic and Non-Linguistic.” Annual Conference of Foreign Languages Association of Virginia (FLAVA), Williamsburg, VA.
- Oct. 2012. “To Master Tones: A Motivational Issue.” Annual Conference of Foreign Language Association of Virginia (FLAVA), Williamsburg, VA.
- Oct. 2011. “Integrativeness or Ideal L2 Self: Motivating Your Students.” Annual Conference of Foreign Language Association of Virginia (FLAVA), Richmond, VA.
- Oct. 2010. “The Interaction of Learning Strategies and Motivation with Chinese Language Learners at College Level.” Annual Conference of Foreign Language Association of Virginia (FLAVA), Richmond, VA.
- Oct. 2010. “Basic Vowels Acquisition of American Chinese Language Learners.” Columbia University Teachers College Annual Roundtable Conference, New York, NY.
- Nov. 2006. “What the Learning of Chinese Language Means in the New Age: Rethinking Integrative and Instrumental Motivations.” The 40th ACTFL Annual Conference, Nashville, TN.
- May 2006. “Rethink Socio-educational Model of Motivation with Chinese Language Learners.” Annual Conference of CLTA-Greater New York, New York NY.
- Nov. 2005. “Learners’ Ethnic Identity Development and Establishment of a Positive Attitude toward Learning Chinese.” The 39th ACTFL Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD.
- June 2005. “Motivation and Communicative Competence: To Increase Learning Achievement through Communicative Language Teaching.” Conference of Strategies and Pedagogy for Chinese Language Teaching in the 21st Century, Taipei, Taiwan.
- May 2005. “Principles to Develop a Community Service Chinese Language Program.” Annual Conference of CLTA-Greater New York, New York, NY.
- Sept. 2004. “Motivation and Ethnic Identity: A Socio-cultural Perspective in the Teaching of Chinese.” Conference of Cultural Diversity and Language Education at Hawaii University, Manoa, HI.
- May 2004. “What Heritage Students’ Success Tells Us: Rethinking the Role of Learning Motivations.” Annual Conference of CLTA-Greater New York, New York.
- April 2004. “Build a Multilingual Community: Children’s Chinese Language Summer Camp.” The 41st Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Language, New York.
- 2022 Mar. “Integrate Christian Faith into Learning”. Faculty Workshop at CTE, Liberty University.
- 2020 Jan. “Empowering Learners Through Developing Intercultural Communication Capability”. All Faculty Winter Conference of Liberty University, Lynchburg.
- Nov. 2018. “Develop Holistic Language Skills Through Intercultural Communication Activities.” The 9th Annual Teacher Workshop of Chinese Language Teachers Association of Virginia, University of Virginia.
- 2023. ACTFL Annual Convention Proposal Reviewer
- 2022. ACTFL Annual Convention Proposal Reviewer
- 2020. Invited guest reviewer. “Many languages, many ideal L2 selves: Exploring the ideal Chinese and Japanese selves in Ireland”. The Journal of Multilingual and Multilanguage Development.
- 2020. ACTFL Annual Convention Proposal Reviewer
- 2019. ACTFL Annual Convention Proposal Reviewer.
- 2019. Invited Guest Review. An International Journal of Educational Technology and Applied Linguistics.
- 2022 “Best Academic Paper” for the session of full articles at All Faculty Winter Conference of Liberty University, Lynchburg.
- 2022 Liberty University Faculty Professional Development Research Award (used for the presentation at SCOLT conference in Apr.)
- 2021 Liberty University Faculty Professional Development Research Award (used for the presentation at FLAVA Fall conference)
- 2019-2020 Year’s President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching.
- 2019-2020 Year’s Provost’s Award for Excellence in Research Mentorship.
- Nov. 2019. Liberty University Faculty Professional Development Research Award.
- Apr. 2019. Liberty University Faculty Professional Development Research Award.
- Nov. 2018. Liberty University Faculty Professional Development Research Award.
- Oct. 2017. Liberty University Faculty Professional Development Research Award.
- Nov. 2005. Chen-Tsui Professional Development Award at the 39th ACTFL Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD.
- 2019 Oct. Jiangsu Cup Chinese Speech Contest, at George Washington University. (One student earned a Bronze Award.)
- Nov. 2018. Jiangsu Cup Chinese Speech Contest, George Washington University. (Two students earned a Bronze Award.)
- Oct. 2017. Jiangsu Cup Chinese Speech Contest, George Washington University. (One student earned a Bronze Award.)
- 2015-present. ACTFL certified OPI – Mandarin Chinese Tester Full.
- Spring 2014. ILUMINATE Grant for the Improvement of Teaching, Liberty University.
Guest Speaker
- July 2019. “Challenges of Education in the New Era.” Yunnan Minzu University (Yunnan University of Nationalities, Kunming, China.
- 26 May 2017. “American Early Child Education and Implications for Chinese Schools.” Yunnan Minzu University (Yunnan University of Nationalities), Kunming, China.
Institutional Service
- 2023 Liberty University Research Week Judge
- 2022 Liberty University Research Week Judge
- 2021 Liberty University Research Week Judge
- 2020 Liberty University Research Week Judge
- 2019 –2021. Board of Directors of Virginia Chinese Language Teachers Association
- 2019 – Present. Board of Directors of Virginia Chinese Language Teachers Association.
- 2018-2020. Campus Committee Evaluation (CCE) of Fulbright Student Scholarship Application at Liberty University.
- 2015 – Present. ACTFL-certified OPI tester of Mandarin Chinese.
- 2011 – Present. Modern Languages Committee.
- 2009 – Present. Director of Chinese language program.
- 2013-2014. Conversational Mandarin Chinese Subject Matter Expert, Liberty University Online.
- 2005 – Present. Member of American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages.
- 2010-2017. Member of Foreign Language Association of Virginia.
- 2005 – Present. Member of Chinese Language Teachers’ Association of the United States.
- Life Member of Chinese Language Teachers’ Association of Virginia.