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Sherene Khouri

Assistant Professor of Arabic | Modern Languages

(434) 592-5888


  • Ph.D. in Theology and Apologetics, Liberty University
  • M.A. in Christian Apologetics, Liberty University
  • Th.M. in Global Studies (18 Credit Hours), Liberty University
  • B.S. in Biblical Studies, Moody Bible Institute


Dr. Khouri was born in Damascus, Syria, and grew up as a Christian in a religiously diverse family. She served the Arabic church in the Middle East for 13 years. Sherene and her husband immigrated to the U.S. in 2013 because of the Syrian civil war. Dr. Khouri understands Arabic culture and is able to interact effectively across cultures.

Dr. Khouri teaches Arabic language in the Modern Language Department in the School of Arts & Sciences, theology, Apologetics, Arabic Christianity, and Introduction to Islam in the School of Divinity with a passion for the Arabic world. She desires to help students fulfill the great commission by helping them learn the Arabic language, understand Arabic culture, and apply Christian Apologetics. Dr. Khouri’s goal in life is to connect people’s hearts and minds by helping believers to think and thinkers to believe.

Courses Taught


  • ARAB 101: Elementary Arabic I
  • ARAB 102: Elementary Arabic II
  • ARAB 201: Intermediate Arabic I
  • ARAB 202: Intermediate Arabic II
  • ARAB 301: Arabic Advanced Conversation & Composition


  • GLST 431: Introduction to Islam
  • GLST 497: Special Topics in Global Studies (Arabic Christianity and Arabic Culture)
  • THEO 350: Methods and Issues in Theology
  • APOL 500 Introduction to Apologetics

Academic Publications


Forthcoming: Sherene Nicholas Khouri. Triune Relationality: A Trinitarian Answer to Islamic Objections. IVP Academics, 2024.

(Translator) استكشاف انجيل لوقا [Exploring the Gospel of Luke] by John Philips. John Philips Ministry, 2015.

Peer-Reviewed Articles

“The Concept of Miracles in Islam: A Case for the Resurrection of Jesus.” The Evangelical Review of Theology and Politics. Vol. 10. (2022): 37-48.

“What Does the Euthyphro Dilemma Reveal about the Nature of Allah?” Eleutheria. vol. 6, no. 1. (June 24, 2022):78-105.

“Holy Wars: A Historical and Theological Comparison between Joshua’s Conquests vs. Mohammad’s First Three Incursions.” Journal for the Study of Religion and Ideologies JSRI. Vol. 20. No. 60. (November, 2021): 78-91.

“John of Damascus’s Theological Methodology: An Effective Way to Answer Islamic Objections.” Eleutheria Journal. Vol. 5 No. 1. (May 2021): 110-132.

“The Crucifixion in the Qur’an: Answering Muslim’s Claims Regarding the Death of Jesus Christ.” Transformation: Sage academic journal. Vol. 38 Issue 2. (February 2021): 158–174

“The Classical Islamic Model of Revelation: A Critique.” The Evangelical Review of Theology and Politics. Vol. 8. (July 2020): 31-42.

“Does Islamic Literature Suggest Jesus Is God?” Zwemer Center for Muslim Studies, May 2018.

Workshops & Conferences

2024 January. “The Greatest Conceived Being: A Trinitarian Answer to Islamic Objection.” Faculty Workshop at CTE, Liberty University, Lynchburg, VA.

2021 April. “The Islamic Understanding of the Trinity: A Historical Investigation.” Research Week at Liberty University, Lynchburg, VA.

2018 April. “Jesus and the Qur’an,” presented at the ISCA Conference in Southern Evangelical Seminary, Matthews, NC.

2017 March. “Islamic Ethics: Is Islam a Religion of Peace?” Presented at ETS Eastern Regional Conference in Lancaster Bible College, Lancaster, PA.

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