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Hope Dornfeld

Adjunct Faculty | Interdisciplinary Studies

Demoss Hall 4382


  • M.A., Music Education, Liberty University
  • B.S., Music, Liberty University
  • B.S., Religion, Liberty University


In addition to teaching within INDS, Ms. Dornfeld teaches voice and piano at Hyland Heights Music Academy and serves as a freelance accompanist for area vocalists and instrumentalists. Her research interests include the intersection of theology and music, American music history (particularly spirituals), the use of prosody in English folksong, and the impact of worldview on undergraduate research. Her previous volunteer experience includes assisting with the facilitation of Liberty’s annual Research Week, adjudicating for the National Christian College Forensics Invitational, and doing remote transcription work for the Smithsonian National Archives.

Regularly Taught Courses

  • INQR 101: Inquiry
  • RSCH 201: Research

Selected Presentations & Publications

  • MA Thesis: “Songs of Sorrow, Hope, and Praise: Toward a Historical Analysis of Negro Spirituals” Chair: Dr. Patricia Campbell; Reader: Prof. E. Daryl Duff; lecture recital available on YouTube; document available through ScholarsCrossing/ProQuest, May 2023
  • “Prosody in Friedrich von Flotow’s Setting of ‘The Last Rose of Summer’,” Research Week 2023, Scholars CrossingThe Institutional Repository of Liberty University, March 2023
  • “Songs of Sorrow, Hope, and Praise: Toward a Historical Analysis of Negro Spirituals,” Research Week 2023, Scholars CrossingThe Institutional Repository of Liberty University, March 2023
  • “All Things New: An Analysis of Alfred Gaul’s ‘A New Heaven and a New Earth’,” Research Week 2020, Scholars CrossingThe Institutional Repository of Liberty University, May 2022
  • “Travelin’ to the Promised Land: Symbolism of the Jordan River in African Spiritual, English Hymn, and American Folksong Selections,” MontviewThe Liberty University Journal of Student Research; Scholars Crossing, May 2021
  • “’A Man of One Book’: John Wesley’s Theology of Scripture,” Diligence: The Journal of the Liberty University Online Religion Capstone in Research and Scholarship, May 2019
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