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Annik Miller, Ed.S.

Residential Department Chair, Associate Professor | Modern Languages

DeMoss Hall 4014



  • Ed.S. in Curriculum and Instruction, Liberty University
  • M.S. in Applied Linguistics, Dolmetscherschule Zurich
    • Specializations: French, German, English Interpreting
  • B.A. in Applied Linguistics, Dolmetscherschule Zurich
    • Specializations: French, German, English Translation
  • Maryland State Department Teacher Certification 7-12, College of Notre Dame of Maryland


Professor Miller grew up bilingual in the Alsace region of France, right on the border with Germany and Switzerland, learning both French and German. After completing high school in France, she attended the Dolmetscherschule (School of Translation and Interpreting) in Zürich, Switzerland, where she received her Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Applied Linguistics (French, German, English).

Miller has since taught French and German at the University of Nebraska – Omaha and Brevard Community College in Cocoa, Florida. While her husband was stationed in Germany, she taught conversational German to military personnel at Neubrücke and Baumholder Army installations. She was also the sole proprietor of her own business, The Language Works, providing multilingual translation and interpretation services to individuals, private businesses and public institutions.

After moving to Maryland, Miller became a high-school teacher of French in Calvert County, and earned a Maryland Teacher Certification from the College of Notre Dame of Maryland to teach French at the secondary level.

She joined the faculty at Liberty University as an adjunct instructor in German and French, and also taught conversational German for Liberty University Online. Miller was named Assistant Professor of German and French in the Department of English and Modern Languages in 2013. She also serves as a member of the Modern Languages Committee.

Courses Taught

  • CGRM 101: Conversational German I
  • CGRM 102: Conversational German II
  • CGRM 103: Conversational German III
  • FREN 101: Elementary French I
  • FREN 102: Elementary French II
  • FREN 201: Intermediate French I
  • FREN 202: Intermediate French II
  • FREN 304: Francophone Civilizations/Cultures
  • FREN 497: Special Topics in French
  • GRMN 101: Elementary German I
  • GRMN 102: Elementary German II
  • GRMN 201: Intermediate German I
  • GRMN 202: Intermediate German II


Institutional/Christian/Community Service

  • Modern Languages Committee (Fall 2012-present)
  • Table Leader, Women’s Bible Study, Blue Ridge Community Church (2011-2012)
  • Leader, Women’s Bible Study, Mosaic Church (May 2013-present)
  • Small group co-leader, Chesapeake Church & Mosaic Church (2010-present)
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