Proposed pipeline causes conflict

The rejection of the proposed Keystone Houston Lateral Project reveals questionable political motives What comes to mind when you think of Canada? Moose? Mounties? Maple syrup? Something else that starts with an “M,” perhaps? Right now, however, the “M” word you should be thinking of is “money,” oil money specifically. First, a quick primer for those not familiar: Keystone XL […]

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Economic war with Iran a no-win situation

Setting an embargo against Iran is not the smartest way to oppose the country’s nuclear program The fighting words escalate as Iran’s Ayatollah Ali Khamenei reacts to the oil embargo placed on the country by the U.S. Reuters reported that in a speech shown on state television, Khamenei promised that “Sanction will not have any impact on our determination to […]

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From the desk

Just when you think life can’t get any crazier — it does. I guess, in retrospect, this may be the reason I have been so pressed to not take time for granted and to leave my anxiety at the door — but, we never do know quite why we learn the lessons we learn until we are faced with situations […]

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Costa Cruises evades responsibility

After the Concordia capsized, the ship’s captain is under fire for abandoning the ship and its passengers As the imminent 100th anniversary of the Titanic approaches, the death of another cruise liner caused hundreds reminiscent anguish. On Jan. 13, the Concordia ran aground off the Tuscan Island of Giglio and capsized, claiming the lives of 16 passengers, but dozens are […]

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Colbert takes another stab at politics

A strict social-conservative, a tithing Mormon, a former Libertarian and a congressional D.C. native are the popular faces of this year’s group of Republican nominees, but in recent weeks their claims to fame have been slightly upstaged by the ever more popular Comedy Central comedian Stephen Colbert. On Jan. 12, Colbert announced on his show “The Colbert Report” his plan […]

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From the desk

In Matthew 9:58, Jesus said, “Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.” I am beginning to empathize with Jesus on this one. After weeks of fruitless searching online and driving through the outskirts of downtown Lynchburg, I am beginning to think that my future husband […]

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Romney: The saltine candidate

As GOP candidates drop left and right, voters are left with a handful of unappealing options to choose between How far is too far? Many already believe former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney has been having the best and worst several weeks a primary candidate could ever ask for. On one hand, Romney won New Hampshire comfortably after a squeaker of […]

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From the desk

“Don’t blink. Just like that, you’re six years old and you take a nap and you wake up and you’re twenty-five and your high school sweetheart becomes your wife.” Yes, those are the words of a country song. Kenny Chesney to be exact. No, I am not a country fan, but the words he offered have me thinking. One month. […]

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A farewell and thanks to Liberty

There comes a time in your life when you can step back and smile, content with how you lived, who you loved, and what you’ve accomplished. I, on the other hand, hope I never get there. In my opinion, you can never do enough in your life. There is just too much going on, and I’ve found myself regretting the […]

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Dangers of last-minute shopping

‘Twas the procrastinator before Christmas, and all through the stores… ‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the town, every last minute shopper was wearing a frown. I come off the expressway, and what do I see? A long line of cars that wait in front of me. The garland was hung from all the street poles with care […]

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An unlikely present

When most people want the new electronic, others only need a calendar You would be hard pressed to find a day more anticipated than Dec. 25. For most people, Christmas morning consists of dragging themselves out of bed, fumbling down the steps and promptly gauging the size of each intricately wrapped present, pondering which one will be the most rewarding […]

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Gabe & Gula

Gabe It is Oct. 31, and everyone is finishing their last minute shopping. Children are getting dressed up for a festive night and stores close early for the adventures of Halloween. Well, at least that is what humans are doing. Obviously, there are a bunch of elves, reindeer and snowmen scurrying through our stores because by the morning of Nov. […]

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From the desk

The Christmas season is here. That’s right, even though Thanksgiving has just barely graced us with its presence, Christmas seems to have thrown up all over our local department stores and radio stations. Don’t get me wrong, I love Christmas. I love giving gifts and drinking coffee by the fire under the lights of a tree decorated in a haphazardous […]

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