Facebook fired up about Houston’s death

The same situation happened with king of pop Michael Jackson, actor Heath Ledger, singer Amy Winehouse and now, R&B artist Whitney Houston. The death of these celebrities led millions to join in mourning their deaths via various social media outlets. A Google search of Facebook found more than 168 million messages were posted about the singer’s death. According to the […]

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From the desk

As I rolled out of bed, only an hour after my alarm initially went off, I thought about how fast this week had gone, how fast every week had gone. Seems like just yesterday that I was walking across the stage to receive my high school diploma. Now here I am, editor in chief of the Liberty Champion — and […]

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Syrian government rules by fear

Since protests against tyranny began 11 months ago, more than 5,000 Syrians have been killed by government Syria has yet to resolve the conflict with its civilians. According to the United Nations (UN) an estimated 5,400 people have been killed by the Bashar al-Assad regime in the government’s attempt to quelch a protest that began 11 months ago. At this […]

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JSOC: America’s secret lawless army

Joint Special Operations Command exists to perform jobs that the government cannot officially condone They take their orders directly from the president or the secretary of defense. They stroll through foreign embassies in civilian clothing, eschewing the uniforms worn by their military cohorts. During combat, they wear no identification of any kind, neither rank nor name. They have gone by […]

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From the desk

Gas prices nationwide are taking a turn for the worst — and just in time for spring break. However, this is nothing new — especially not for the White House. President Barack Obama “feels” our pain, or at least that is what he claimed in his speech on energy development given in Florida on Feb. 23. But, let’s be honest. […]

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Super Bowl commercial causes conflict

Subliminal messages in Chrysler’s ‘Halftime in America’ ad leave audiences in an uproar Super Bowl Sunday — practically a holiday in itself — isn’t just a championship game of the National Football League. It is also a time when the world of advertising fights for its chance to be recognized for creating the best, most entertaining commercial spot. While many […]

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From the desk

On Sunday, Lynchburg was given a gift of perspective — snow. There is something beautiful about the perfection of snow. Maybe it is its uncanny ability to cover everything in its path and give everything a new appearance — a new perspective. This spring semester has brought with it a lot of baggage. The political scene is heating up, the […]

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Religious freedom vs. the president

Changes to ObamaCare reveal administration’s disregard of First Amendment America’s latest issue of Newsweek features a photo of red, white and blue contraceptive pills accompanied by bold print text, showcasing writer Andrew Sullivan’s article titled, “The Politics of Sex.” The cover is just one of many media platforms addressing the health-care debate’s current uprising. President Barack Obama’s most recent health-care […]

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Congress battles online pirates

Bills SOPA, PIPA serve as efforts by Congress to reign in unbridled internet freedoms The Internet — perhaps known as the most innovative invention since toilet paper, the light bulb or even Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory — generates global use from billions of members worldwide. The Internet has impacted the world in such a way that communication has […]

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Proposed pipeline causes conflict

The rejection of the proposed Keystone Houston Lateral Project reveals questionable political motives What comes to mind when you think of Canada? Moose? Mounties? Maple syrup? Something else that starts with an “M,” perhaps? Right now, however, the “M” word you should be thinking of is “money,” oil money specifically. First, a quick primer for those not familiar: Keystone XL […]

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Economic war with Iran a no-win situation

Setting an embargo against Iran is not the smartest way to oppose the country’s nuclear program The fighting words escalate as Iran’s Ayatollah Ali Khamenei reacts to the oil embargo placed on the country by the U.S. Reuters reported that in a speech shown on state television, Khamenei promised that “Sanction will not have any impact on our determination to […]

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From the desk

Just when you think life can’t get any crazier — it does. I guess, in retrospect, this may be the reason I have been so pressed to not take time for granted and to leave my anxiety at the door — but, we never do know quite why we learn the lessons we learn until we are faced with situations […]

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Costa Cruises evades responsibility

After the Concordia capsized, the ship’s captain is under fire for abandoning the ship and its passengers As the imminent 100th anniversary of the Titanic approaches, the death of another cruise liner caused hundreds reminiscent anguish. On Jan. 13, the Concordia ran aground off the Tuscan Island of Giglio and capsized, claiming the lives of 16 passengers, but dozens are […]

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Colbert takes another stab at politics

A strict social-conservative, a tithing Mormon, a former Libertarian and a congressional D.C. native are the popular faces of this year’s group of Republican nominees, but in recent weeks their claims to fame have been slightly upstaged by the ever more popular Comedy Central comedian Stephen Colbert. On Jan. 12, Colbert announced on his show “The Colbert Report” his plan […]

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