Liberty Forensics Speech team closes out their short season on top and place their bid to host the 2021 National Christian College Forensics Invitational

Before activity on campus ended abruptly due to COVID-19, Liberty’s Forensics Speech Team snagged a few awards and clinched an elite opportunity. During the first weekend of March, the  forensics team travelled to Grove City College in Pennsylvania, to participate in the National Christian College Forensics Invitational (NCCFI). There, they competed against about 25 other colleges from across the nation.  […]

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Opinion: U.S. prisons recklessly release prisoners instead of enforcing sanitation practices recommended by the CDC

Government leaders and law enforcement agencies have limited arrests and released prisoners as a result of the current health crisis. This lazy and reckless reaction overlooks more reasonable options for keeping COVID-19 away from correctional facilities. Gov. Ralph Northam encouraged law enforcement officers as well as commonwealth attorneys to reduce jail populations by considering arrest alternatives and releasing low risk […]

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Opinion: The Coronavirus will impact the 2020 Presidential election

By the end of February, one subject dominated national headlines: the 2020 Democratic primary election. Now, the election seems like a distant memory in the wake of a national health crisis, COVID-19, that has shut down several states and prompted aggressive responses from mayors, governors and President Trump. While 2020 will forever be remembered as the year of COVID-19, an […]

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Forensics team Coordinator Denise Thomas pushes her team members to use their voices for good

Denise Thomas is many things. To her family, a wife and a mother. To Liberty University, an alumni, professor and coordinator. But to her forensic speech team members, she is an encourager. Thomas grew up in North Carolina and had her first experience at Liberty as an undergraduate student fresh out of high school. During college, she pursued a double […]

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The Lynchburg Restaurant Owner’s Coalition has been formed, and here is how the group is battling empty dining rooms

Silence has replaced the regular chatter, laughter and sizzling food at local restaurants. The silence of restaurants in Lynchburg echoes that found in restaurants, businesses, music halls and other venues across the country, a problem that has spurred a new coalition to form. “Right now, we are just a shell of ourselves,” Dave Henderson, owner of The Water Dog, said. […]

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Breaking News: Liberty University students leaving dorms will receive $1000 housing credit

Liberty University Student Financial Services announced Friday morning that on-campus students who chose not to return to campus will receive partial housing credit, if the students move out by Saturday, March 28. According to the announcement, students no longer living in the dorms this semester will receive $1,000 credit toward their on-campus housing costs for the fall 2020 semester. Graduating […]

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BREAKING NEWS: Liberty University moving most classes online to combat coronavirus, campus to remain open

After originally deciding to resume classes as normal following spring break, President Falwell announced Monday afternoon that most Liberty University residential classes will transition to online status beginning Monday, March 23, in response to the worldwide coronavirus pandemic. Liberty was one of the last universities to announce its partial closure in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. While a social media […]

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Column: The Emily Angle – To forget the past is to strip the future of its full potential

The Israeli people are not quick to forget. They remember their past and all they have overcome to reassemble from all corners of the earth and become a sovereign nation. Because of the memory of their painful past, they are made stronger and more resilient.  The people of Israel still remember how generation after generation struggled and suffered before they […]

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Opinion – On Super Tuesday, former vice president Joe Biden unified the Democratic party

In the blink of an eye, Joe Biden went from a catastrophic failure to the consensus front-runner. His campaign elevated from outdated disaster to overwhelming dominance. All because of one historic night – Super Tuesday. The dramatic results of Super Tuesday finally placed Biden where he wanted to be all along: the clear front-runner and expected Democratic nominee for president. […]

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