Dr. Alban, an LU professor since 2002, brings to his position nearly 20 years of experience as a daily newspaper reporter and as the editor of Power for Living, a large weekly inspirational magazine. As the latter, he directed the publication of more than 800 weekly issues. A published scholar, Dr. Alban specializes in the metatheoretical, rhetorical, and redemptive criticism of communication texts and in the historical/rhetorical exposition of impactful Christian communicators and texts. His textbooks, Created for Connection: Your Calling as a Communicator in Today’s World and Speech Communication: A Redemptive Introduction are used in several Christian universities.
Professional Memberships
- National Communication Association
- Religious Communication Association
- Christianity and Communication Studies Network, Editorial Board
Published Works
- Vanderber, R. F., Sellnow, D. D., Verderber, K. S., & Alban Jr, D.H. (2018). A Christian college student’s guide to effective speaking. Cengage Unlimited.
- Alban, Jr., D. H. & Hardin, M. (Eds.). (2016). La comunicación: Una introduccion redentóra. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company.
- Alban, Jr., D. H. (2015). (Ed.) Speech communication: A redemptive introduction (3rd ed.). Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company.
- Alban, Jr., D. H. (2013). Speech communication: A redemptive introduction (2nd ed.). Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company.
- Alban, Jr., D. H. (2011). Speech communication: A redemptive introduction. First Edition. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company.
- Alban, Jr., D. H. (2012). Created for connection: Your calling as a communicator in today’s world (2nd ed.). Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company.
- Alban, Jr., D. H. (2011). Created for connection: Your calling as a communicator in today’s world. First Edition. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company.
Other Scholarly Works
- Alban Jr., D.H. (2018). William Carey: Audience adaptation as a redemptive mass communication strategy. In R. H. Wood Jr. & N. Wood (Eds.), Words and Witnesses: Communication Studies in Christian Thought from Athanasius to Desmond Tutu. Henrickson Publishers.
- Alban, Jr., D. H. & Chang, C. T. (2018). “Redemptive motive as a basis for dialogue: Interdisciplinary engagement from communications and global studies.” Faith and the Academy, 3(1), 44-45.
- Alban, D. H., Jr. (2008). Theory is its own mirror: Self-reflexive coherence as a validative criterion in the metatheoretical appraisal of ideas about communication (Order No. 3303328). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (304815291).
- Alban, D., Jr, Woods, R.H., & Daigle-Williamson, M. (2005). “The writings of William Carey: journalism as mission in a modern age.” Mission Studies, 22(1), 85–113.
- Alban, D. H., Jr. (1995). William Carey: A profile in journalism (Order No. 1376947). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (304221841).
Research Interests
- Communication theory and metatheory
- Speech communication education
- Journalism history and education
- Religious communication
Courses Taught
- Speech Communication
- Communication Theory and Practices
- Communication Research Design
- Social, Mobile, & Online Media Analytics
- News Writing and Reporting
- Writing and Editing for Digital Magazine and Features
- Creative Problem Solving in Teams
- Communication Theory
- Strategic Storytelling
- Strategic Media Analysis
- Strategic Communication Campaigns for the Digital Age