Teaching Military Students
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The academic buildings on our campus and internet connections around the world are filled with tens of thousands of student soldiers and veterans who choose Liberty University for higher education. Liberty University is blessed to have an active military student body and ROTC program. Liberty University Online’s (LUO) undergraduate and graduate programs boast student soldiers and veterans from all over the globe, allowing students the flexibility to study in different time zones and locations.
Faculty members recognize our student soldiers and military veterans as capable students who sometimes have unique needs or unique circumstances. This resource page was developed to help faculty better acquaint themselves with these challenges and prepare them to successfully guide these students.
Resources for Teaching Military Students
Faculty members are encouraged to familiarize themselves with these available resources aimed at helping better reach and teach our student soldiers and military veterans.
Liberty University Center for Teaching Excellence Resources
- CTE FCC: View an array of resources and recorded training sessions on the Center for Teaching Excellence Faculty Communication Center (CTE FCC). The link to the CTE FCC can be found at canvas.liberty.edu on the Dashboard.
- Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Robert F. Dees, Associate VP for Military Outreach, Working with the Military Student
- Lt. Col. (Ret.) Dr. Bruce Bell, Associate Dean of CGS, Instructing the Online Military Student
- Liberty University Military Student, Perspectives from a Military Student
Liberty University Offices and Resources
- Student Counseling Services
- Army ROTC
- Air Force ROTC
- Office of Community Life
- Office of Military Affairs
- Institute for Military Resilience
- Military Outreach
- Information Research
- Resource Guide: Faculty can access the document in the CAD FCC.
Books Available at the Jerry Falwell Library
- Ackerman, R., & DiRamio, D. (2009). Creating a veteran-friendly campus: Strategies for transition and success: New Directions for Student Services, No. 126. Jossey-Bass.
- Armstrong, K., Best, S., & Domenici, P. (2006). Courage under fire: Coping with strategies for troops returning from Iraq and Afghanistan and their families. Ulysses.
- Astor, R.A., Jacobson, L., & Benbenishty, R. (2012). The teacher’s guide for supporting students from military families. Teachers College Press.
- Beder DSW, J. (Ed.). (2016). Caring for the Military: A Guide for Helping Professionals (1st ed.). Routledge. (ebook)
- Berglass, N., & Harrell, M.C. (2012). Well after service: Veteran reintegration and American communities. Washington, DC: Center for a New American Security. (ebook)
- Bricker, S. L. (2017). An instructor’s guide to teaching military students: Simple steps to integrate the military learner into your classroom. Rowman & Littlefield. (ebook)
- Cantrell, B., & Dean., C. (2007). Once a warrior: Wired for life. Hearts Toward Home International.
- Castro, C. A., & Dursun, S. (2019). Military veteran reintegration: Approach, management, and assessment of military veterans transitioning to civilian life. Academic Press.
- DiRamio, D. (2011). Veterans in higher education: When Johnny and Jane come marching home: ASHE Higher Education Report. Jossey-Bass.
- DiRamio, D. C. (2017). What’s next for student veterans?: Moving from transition to academic success. National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition, University of South Carolina. (ebook)
- Everson, R.B., & Figley, C. (2011). Families under fire: Systemic therapy with military families. Routledge (ebook)
- Finley, E. (2011). Fields of combat: Understanding PTSD among veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan. Cornell University Press.
- Friedman, M.J., & Sloan, L.E. (2008). After the war zone: A practical guide for returning troops and their families. Da Capo Press.
- Hamrick, F.A., & Rumann, C.B. (2012). Called to serve: A handbook on student veterans and higher education. Jossey-Bass.
- Herrmann, D. (2011). Progress in educating veterans in the 21st century. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.
- Herrmann, D., Allen, B., Wilson, R.B., & Hopkins, C. (2009). Educating veterans in the 21st century. Booksurge Publishing.
- Hill, J., Lawhorne, C., & Philpott, D. (2011). Life after the military: A handbook for transitioning veterans. Government Institutes.
- Hoge, C.W. (2010). Once a warrior-Always a warrior: Navigating the transition from combat to home – Including combat stress, PTSD, and mTBI. GPP Life.
- Kelley, B., Smith, J., & Fox, E. (2013). Preparing your campus for veterans’ success: An integrated approach to facilitating the transition and persistence of our military students.
- Hakanson, M. (2008). The spiritual side of traumatic stress normalization: Christian spirituality and social neuroscience considerations for clinicians and military chaplains. Waldport Press.
- Lagac Roy, D., & Belanger, Stephanie A. H. (2016). Military operations and the mind: War ethics and soldiers’ well-being. McGill-Queen’s University Press.
- Laukaitis, J. J. (2018). In Laukaitis J. J. (Ed.), Denominational higher education during world war II. Palgrave Macmillan (ebook)
- McNair, P., & Stielow, F. (2012). Identity series: Finding success as a returning veteran or military student. Addison Wesley.
- Miller, L. (2011). A new approach for assessing the needs of service members and their families. RAND.
- Moelker, R., Andres, M., & Rones, N. (Eds.). (2019). The Politics of Military Families: State, Work Organizations, and the Rise of the Negotiation Household (1st ed.). Routledge. (ebook)
- Moore, B. A., & Penk, W. (2019). Treating PTSD in military personnel: A clinical handbook (Second ed.). The Guilford Press. (ebook)
- Moore, B.A., ed. (2012). Handbook of counseling military couples. Routledge. (ebook)
- Moore, E. (2017). Grateful nation: Student veterans and the rise of the “military-friendly” campus. Duke University Press. (ebook)
- National, A. O. S. E. A., Division, O. B. A. S. S., Board, O. C. Y. A. F., & Committee, O. T. W. O. M. (2019). Strengthening the military family readiness system for a changing american society. ProQuest Ebook Central (ebook)
- Nakashima Brock, R. & Lettini, G. (2012). Soul repair: Recovering from moral injury after war. Beacon Press.
- Scurfield, R.M., & Platoni, K.T. (2013). War trauma and its wake: Expanding the circle of healing. Routledge.
- Slone, L.B., & Friedman, M. (2008). After the war zone: A practical guide for returning troops and their families. Da Capo Lifelong.
- Sherman, N. (2010). Untold war: Inside the hearts, minds, and souls of our soldiers. W.W. Norton.
- Snyder, D.K., & Monson, C.M., eds. (2012). Couple-based interventions for military and veteran families: A practitioner’s guide. Guilford Press. (ebook)
- Storti, C. (2011). Art of coming home. Intercultural Press. (ebook)
- Stebnicki, M. A. (2020). Clinical military counseling: Guidelines for practice. American Counseling Association.
- Tick, E. (2005). War and the soul: Healing our nation’s veterans from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Wheaton, IL: Quest Books.
- Thompson, D.A., & Wetterstrom, D.F. (2009). Beyond the yellow ribbon: Ministering to returning combat veterans. Abingdon Press.
- Ventrone, J., & Hollis, A. (2016). From the air force to college: Transitioning from the service to higher education. Rowman & Littlefield.
- Wilson-Smith, K. M., & Corr, P. J. (2019). Military identity and the transition into civilian life: “lifers”, medically discharged and reservist soldiers. Springer International Publishing. (ebook)
- WOLFE, T. (2018). Out of uniform, second edition: Your guide to a successful military-to-civilian career transition (N – New ed.). Potomac Books. (ebook)
- Wizelman, L. (2011). When the war never ends: The voices of military members with PTSD and their families. Rowman and Littlefield.
- Zaleski, K. (2018). Understanding and treating military sexual trauma (Second ed.). Springer.
Videos/DVDs Available at the Jerry Falwell Library
- Brady, P. (2012). Mental health & the military. DVD. Eau Claire, WI: CMI Education Institute, Premier Education Solutions.
- Exum, H., Menna, A., & Zalaquett, C. (2008). Counseling veterans: Strategies for working with returning soldiers. Online video recordings. Hanover, MA: MicroTraining Associates.
Resources From Other Institutions and Organizations
- The Pat Tillman Veterans Center at Arizona State University provides a variety of resources for military students and veterans.
- American Council on Education publishes several military friendly guides, handbooks, and articles that align with Department of Defense and higher education goals of servicing military students and veterans.
Guides, Newsletters, and Reports
- Bonk, C.J., & Wisher, R.A. (2000). Applying collaborative and e-learning tools to military distance learning: A research framework. (Technical Report #1107). Alexandria, VA: U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences.
- McBain, L., Kim, Y., Cook, B.J., & Snead, K. (2012). From soldier to student II: Assessing campus programs for veterans and service members. Washington, DC: ACE, AASCU, NASPA, NAVPA.
- Radford, A.W. (2009). Higher education: What the new GI Bill may mean for post-secondary institutions. Washington, DC: American Council on Education.
- Stars and Stripes Newsletter
- Tanielian T., & Jaycox, L.H. (2008). (Eds.). Invisible wounds: Mental health and cognitive care needs of America’s returning veterans. RAND Center for Military Health Policy Research Corporation.
Suggested Articles
- Ballkowski, K. (2009, April 30). Veterans seek support in transition to college life. Columbia Spectator, Brown College.
- Burnett, S.E., & Segoria, J. (2009). Collaboration for military transition students from combat to college: It takes a community. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 22(1), 53-58.
- Church, T.E. (2009). Returning veterans on campus with war related injuries. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 22(1), 43-52.
- Cox, C. W. (2019). Military students’ strengths and challenges based on their military experiences: An integrative review. The Journal of Nursing Education, 58(7), 392-400.
- Dorfman, L. Y., Dubrovsky, A. V., Andrunik, A. P., Tsariev, E. A., & Lyadov, V. N. (2018). Poly-systemic analysis of military students’ discipline. Obrazovanie i Nauka, 20(9), 75-90
- Gibbs, C. E., Lee, C. J., & Ghanbari, H. (2019). Promoting faculty education on needs and resources for military-active and veteran students. The Journal of Nursing Education, 58(6), 347-353.
- Hope, J. (2018). Support active military, student‐veterans with comprehensive efforts. The Successful Registrar, 18(10), 1-5.
- Kranke, D. (2019). Teachers’ perspectives on educating military-connected students: The forgotten group. Children & Schools, 41(3), 189-190.
- LeMire, S., Graves, S. J., Buckner, S., Freeman, D. D., & Smith, G. L. (2020). Basic training: A library orientation designed for student veterans. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 46(4), 102137
- Lopanova, E. V. (2018). Ways to enrich the vocabulary of military students at higher education institutions emercom of Russia with special words. Izvestii͡a︡ I͡U︡zhnogo federalʹnogo Universiteta. Filologicheskie Nauki, 2018(2), 206-2011.
- Lunceford, C. J., Buetikofer, E., & Roberts, G. (2020). Our turn to serve: Assessing Military‐Connected students. New Directions for Student Services, 2020(169), 53-63.
- Madaus, J.W., Miller, W.K., & Vance, M.L. (2009). Veterans with disabilities in postsecondary education. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 22(1), 10-17.
- Manguno-Mire, G., Sautter, F., Lyons, J., Myers, L., Perry, D., Sherman, M., Glynn, S., & Sullivan, M. (2007). Psychological distress and burden among female partners of combat veterans with PTSD. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 195, 144-151.
- Morrison-Beedy, D., & Rossiter, A. G. (2018). Next set of orders: Best practices for academia to ensure student success and military/veteran focus. Nurse Education Today, 66, 175-178.
- Pavlik, A. (2019). Learn how portfolio of supports can boost success of military students. Student Affairs Today, 22(7), 12-12
- Petrenko, O., & Petrenko, V. (2019). Increase of efficiency of educational and training process of students of military higher educational institutions of Ukraine. Sciencerise, 1(6), 40-44
- Rhodes, D. (2018). Military connected student perspectives of a large public university’s veteran career development program. Journal of Veterans Studies, 3(1), 51-66.
- Sander, L. (2012). Colleges expand services for veterans, but lag in educating faculty on veterans’ needs. The Chronicle of Higher Education.
- Schmidt, G., Valdez, M., Farrell, M., Bishop, F., Klam, W. P., & Doan, A. P. (2019). Behaviors associated with internet use in military medical students and residents. Military Medicine, 184(11-12), 750-757.
- Sikes, D. L., Duran, M. G., & Armstrong, M. L. (2020). Shared lessons from serving military-connected students. The College Student Affairs Journal, 38(2), 186-197.
- Starr-Glass, D. (2011). Military learners: Experience in the design and management of online learning environments. MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 7(1), 147-158.
- Vance, M.L., & Miller, W.K. (2009). Serving wounded warriors: Current practices in postsecondary education. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 22(1), 18-35.
- Williams-Klotz, D. N., & Gansemer-Topf, A. M. (2018). Examining factors related to academic success of military-connected students at community colleges. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 42(6), 422-438.
Other Suggested Books
- Armstrong, K., Best, S., & Domenici, P. (2006). Courage under fire. Berkeley, CA: Ulysses Press.
- Cantrell, B. & Dean, C. (2005). Downrange to Iraq and back. Seattle, WA: Wordsmith Books.
- Hermann, D.J., Hopkins, C., Wilson, R.B., & Allen. B. (2010). Improving college education of veterans. North Charleston, SC: Booksurge.
- Mettler, S. (2005). Soldiers to Citizens: The GI Bill and the making of the greatest generation. Cambridge: Oxford University Press.