Pro’s & Con’s of DC vs. Marvel: The DCEU

Have you ever asked yourself why comic book films and television shows are so popular?  For many, the answer is because it accomplishes what most movies and TV shows do: provide entertainment. At times, a trip to the cinemas becomes a means of escape for the audience from their “mundane” realities, especially in the case of the superhero genre.

If you have ever seen a superhero movie, chances are that it was either Marvel Comics or DC Comics. Both comic properties have been competing to create their own cinematic universes with the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the DC Extended Universe ever since the late 20th century. Though many will insist that the MCU has had better success over the DCEU, the stories of the DCEU are superior, deeper and more realistic, specifically with character development.

“This is where Marvel lacks. Except for suits and Captain America’s beard, Marvel has barely changed anything in its superheroes. The cockiness of Iron Man is great, but eventually it gets boring seeing it again and again,” stated Rishabh Gautam of

While a film or TV show’s entertainment value remains a key factor, filmmaking is an art form. Many film critics will agree that some of the best films may not have as much action, but more thought-provoking questions woven within well-crafted storylines. Simply put, while not always popular, the DCEU has managed to amass more films with this type of filmmaking.

The DCEU should  be praised for its ability to build the majority of its movies and films as contained stories and journeys for the characters to grow and develop. Unlike the MCU, directors of DCEU are typically able to construct their own formulas, rather than copy-pasting plot points that have been used in other films in the universe.

“DC plays a different card, one that does not include any formula or identical points spanning through its films,” according to movie reviewer Jameses Tech. “Rather, each story is written more like an individual piece.”

What of the MCU then?  There is no denying that the Marvel Cinematic Universe has had major accomplishments with consistently making good films. BG Falcon Media commented saying, “Marvel movies come out almost every year and sometimes we even get multiple in a year. People are always talking about them which builds up more hype.”

Nevertheless, while they thrive at the box office, the stand alone, solo entries to the MCU seem to fail in living up to the hype around their trailers and expectations of audiences. Meanwhile, DCEU films have mainly stuck to building up one or two characters, one film at a time, instead of relying on throwing as many characters and jokes in as possible. Yet, with proper buildup and direction, the DCEU has even proven itself with “Zack Snyder’s Justice League” to have the ability to make equally successful team-up movies.

With unique styles of filmmaking and darker tales of flawed heroes, the DCEU has done an overall great job with films and TV shows. As Marvel continues to come through on the spectacle but not expectations, the DC Extended Universe typically manages both with excellence. However, regardless of which side of the aisle you fall, I strongly believe that there is something for everyone in both franchises.

“The upside is two-fold: You get a choice while enjoying the DC vs. Marvel battle many comic book fans have had for years. So, which is for you? Well, that depends on what you’re looking for,” according to

marks is an opinion writer.

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