Center for Worship awarded “Best of the Best” in higher education

The Center for Music and Worship at Liberty University has been recognized for two different awards for being “Best of the Best in Higher Education” from Worship Leader Magazine.

The magazine, which has more than 300,000 subscribers, holds an annual choice award each October. Liberty University was recognized in the magazine’s “Editor’s Choice” award, which the school also received last year. Additionally, this year was the first that Liberty was ranked at the top for a “Readers’ Choice” award.

According to the article, about 1,000 people who have used many of the different resources were surveyed, and the top three for each were named the best for the Readers’ Choice.

Liberty University was named the top ranked preferred college program among other schools that are specifically music schools, some of which started through churches.
Dr. Vernon Whaley, director for the Center for Worship, believes that ranking at the top for the Readers’ Choice award is a great honor.

“Worship Leader Magazine is the largest trade magazine in the industry right now. It is the highest recognition you can get at this point,” he said.

The Center for Music and Worship which began in 2005 provides several undergraduate programs, which includes many specializations such as youth ministry and worship leadership. Whaley also stated that Liberty is the only school mentioned in the Editor’s Choice list to produce both undergraduate and graduate degrees. Additionally, the center has produced the most worship graduates of any school.

“There’s no other program like it in the country,” Whaley said.

Benjamin Palencia, worship student at Liberty, said he was thankful to be in the worship program and happy to hear about the award.

“It shows that what we are studying is not a waste of time – it’s preparing us for a more concentrated career. We learn about practical music application, being equipped for ministry, and getting up-to-date on the industry. I’m glad we are being recognized as a prominent school,” he said.

According to Worship Leader’s website, “more than 30,000 church leaders rely on Worship Leader to provide biblical wisdom and best practices for worship.”

They also place a large emphasis on higher education for students interested in worship. Worship Leader’s website provides a guide on colleges and universities that offer programs for students who are looking to pursue a worship degree.

Worship Leader provides many resources, including the opportunity for Christian artists to submit their worship music which is compiled onto an album called “DIScovery.” These albums are released along with the magazine to those who subscribe.

“It doesn’t surprise me one bit that the Center for Worship would receive an award from such a well-known magazine that is entirely focused on worship. Not only are there passionate professors, but there are also extremely gifted musicians who foster their gifts. These people have genuine hearts for God and I am proud to be a worship student,” Jessica Lackey, worship student and singer for the band Awaken, said.

The Center for Music and Worship will also be having the publisher of Worship Leader Magazine, Chuck Fromm, teach at Liberty University . According to Whaley, he will be teaching a course on theology for worship students.

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