SGA offers a Christmas study break

Christmas is right around the corner, and the Student Government Association (SGA) has decided to host its first Christmas event at 9 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 10, at the LaHaye Ice Center.

A welcome break — SGA invites students to take a breather during finals week and enjoy food, games and ice skating. Photo provided

The Christmas Study Break event will be hosted the weekend before finals week, which will provide some fun for students right before exams.

“This event is a time where students can come and relax and enjoy Christmas with the student body. The people that attend will have the chance to ice skate, enter some very fun Christmas-themed competitions and eat lots of food. All of this is free, and there will be prizes given out to the winners of the contest,” sophomore class president Joshua Warner said.

Warner and freshman class president Chelsea Andrews originated the idea for this event in an effort to connect with students.

“The purpose of this event is for the SGA to become actively involved in the student body, and letting them know that we want to share and enjoy the Christmas spirit with them,” Warner said.

“It is tradition that every year, the SGA holds a Christmas event to share with the student body the Christmas spirit. This year the Christmas event is being hosted by the sophomore and freshman class, ” Warner added.

“Josh Warner and I believe that this event will be beneficial to the students by giving them a fun opportunity to take a break from studying for finals, not to mention that we will be giving out prizes,” Andrews said.

The Christmas Study Break event is a free event and is open to everyone. Attendees will have the chance to take Christmas pictures with friends and family, play games, enter contests and win prizes.

“There is going to be ice skating, a food contest and a game contest. One contest that people should prepare themselves for is the “Ugly Sweater” contest. It should be a lot of fun to see what type of sweaters people will come up with,” Warner said.

Freshman class President Chelsea Andrews further explains SGA’s mission and reasoning behind hosting events like the Christmas Study Break by saying, “while the SGA is hosting this event, it is specifically being funded and run by the freshman and sophomore class presidents. The duties of the class officers include, representing the needs of each class to the legislative branch and providing entertaining events for each class.”

“This event will affect SGA in a positive light. We will be raising awareness as we continue to fulfill our duties as a student elected organization,” Andrews said.

To learn more about the Liberty SGA, visit and search “SGA.” Contact them by emailing or email 434-582-2323 for more information.

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